They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 16

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You know the saying. Don't walk towards the light or run away from the light?Thats what me, Aiden, and Lach did. We ran the opposite direction from the light. We took the long away home so we don't get caught by that stranger. We were on the other side of the street from our house.""i

said between breaths. Aiden pull out his phone and check the time. " Its...almost...eleven-thirty." he said putting his phone away. As we were crossing the street, a car was going down the road really fast like 110 miles per hour.As we were going as fast as our tired legs took us, the car came and the next thing we know; we were hit.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I hear the sound of beeping and people talking. When i open mine eyes, i see a bright light and i close them shut."Ahhh it burns." i yelled out. I hear foot steps running in and i open mine eyes to see a nurse." What burns hunny." she said looking me up and down." Oh mine eyes when i open

them. The lights are too bright." i said looking at her." Oh, thats okay." she said checking everything." Where are they?" i said looking around the room." Who?"she said."Y ou know who! Where's Aiden and Lach." i said almost at mine breaking point." Well, one of them is here."she said pulling the

curtain back. I gasp and lost mine breath. I see Aiden cover in needles and tubes .He look so bloody and he had a broken arm. I pull the cover off of me and try to get out of the bed." Your not supposed to get out of bed." the nurse said rushing over to me. "And why!?" i said. Then suddenly i

had mine hand on my chest trying to get my breathing back. The nurse push me back down and put this thing over my mouth." Cause your the one who had it worst."she said putting the cover back over me. I was about to ask her what she ment, but i black out.

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