7) Not Tonight

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Aliyah and I headed to my car. Mike and Tre sat at the back, as usual, while Aliyah's in shotgun.

I drove to a hotel and checked in. We need to stay here for a while because our flight's in 2 o' clock in the morning.

I got a room for Mike and Tre and a separate room for Aliyah and I.
I didn't mention that we'd be sleeping in the same room, though.


Aliyah and I got in the room and put our things in one corner. We both plopped down on our bed.

"How are we going to kill so much time?" Aliyah sounded bored.

"Let's go shopping!" I exclaimed. "Let's go buy you some new stuff."

"Oh, no it's fine." Aliyah said, shyly. "I got everything I need."

"Like me?" I pointed to myself.

She laughed. "Yeah, like you."

"Just tell me when you wanted to go already."

"Mmkay," she replied then shut her eyes.

I did the same. Gawd, a two hour drive is tiring. I thought of the possible things that may happen when we get to California, then drifted off to sleep.


I sat up when I heard a door shut. Aliyah wasn't beside me anymore.
She walked past me wrapped in a towel. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, no." I rubbed my eyes.

I washed up too and got dressed.


We got to the mall and I get to pick Aliyah's clothes for her since she's too shy for it.
After a few hours, I noticed that it was 7:32 pm. I asked Mike and Tre to come and have dinner with us at the mall.
After we ate, we headed back to the hotel.


"Billie, thanks a lot for the stuff you bought for me." She gave me a hug.

"You're welcome." I gave her a smile. "Wait, I almost forgot to tell you."

I rummaged in the bags and found the teal nightgown that I bought for her.
I held it up for her to see.

"Awwww, thank you Billie!" She held the gown, admiring it.

"Try it on," I said.

She gestured for me to turn around. I did.
After a few seconds, I spun on my heel to face her.

She quickly covered her top with her shirt. "Billie!"

"You know what," I said. "Lemme help you with that."

I stepped closer to her and unhooked her bra.
I shoved her down on the bed and took her clothes off, shorts and all.

I press my lips against hers. We both went wild.
I take off my shirt and slam onto her body. I kiss her breasts then start to go downwards.

"Billie," Aliyah whispered. "I-I-I shouldn't....we shouldn't...do this."
I stopped.
"Th-this is wrong, Billie."

Now that she'd interrupted the 'moment', I felt embarrassed.
What am I doing?
I thought about Adie. I'm so ashamed of myself right now.

I felt my cheeks flush.
Aliyah giggled. "Come here, you."

I lay down beside her and put the sheets over us. Aliyah turned to face me but I can't look her in the eye.

"It's fine," she laughed. "I'm sorry I let you feel...awkward??"
My cheeks were on fire.
"Sleep it off......tiger." She leaned in and kissed me on the forehead.

She turned to face the other side and I scooted closer. I put my arms around her and fell asleep.

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