19) What?!

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"You got what?!?" I bellowed.

"We got mugged...I got mugged at gunpoint." Tre said, applying the ointment on his wound I handed to him earlier.

"Where?" I asked hyterically.

"Near the coffee shop downtown."

"Oh my gawd," I said, puling on my hair. "You're both okay, right?"

"Yeah. If it weren't for Aliyah, I could've died."

Aliyah's lips tugged into a shy smile.

Tre continued, "she beat up those guys like she does it every day."

I looked at her with awe. "Really?"

"Yeeeaaaahhhhh." She said, keeping her head down.

"Are you hurt?" I checked her face and body for cuts or bruises.

"Billie," she giggled. "I'm fine....I'm okay."

I took a deep breath. "Glad to know you're both still alive and breathing."

Silence filled the room until Tre asked, "where didya learn how to do that?"

Aliyah bit her lip. "Uhhhh....movies."
She brushed her hair onto one side. "....and sometimes because of my dad."

"What?!" Tre and I exclaimed in unison.

She laughed like it was some kind of joke. "Dad teaches me some stuff y'know...it comes in handy when he gets...uhhh....out of control."

"What do you mean 'out of control'?" I leaned forward from my seat.

"Oh, you know...when he gets mad at some times......most times, actually."

Tre and I shared a look.
We hit a....sensitive??? topic here so I'm not gonna ask anymore questions about that.
No wonder Aliyah doesn't regret running away.

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