20) Family Bonding

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Three days after the incident, Adrienne planned on taking us to a resort for a 'family bonding'.
Glad I'm a part of it.

We packed our bags and headed off to the resort for an overnight stay.


The resort was AMAZING. It stood near a lake surrounded by towering pine trees.

While the Armstrong family were in their room, I decided to have some time for myself.

I went to the lake and treated myself with a dip in the water.
I took off all of my clothes and hung them on the small, wooden dock.

The cold water seemed to seep through my bones.
Argh, it's so cold.
I went deeper into the water until the it was at neck - level.

Just my luck, a strong wind passed by, causing my clothes to fly away to different places.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
I wanted to get out of the water but...I have nothing on!

I looked around to see if anybody's there...
Nope, no one's around.
Guess it's okay to.....get outta this water and pick my clothes up.
I sprinted towards my scattered clothes and picked them up one by one.
Fuck! Where's my bra?!
Aww, great....

I put the rest of my clothes on then started to find my bra...
My eyes searched the floor when I bumped into someone's chest.
I looked up to see Jakob holding up my bra.

"Uhhh...ummm...uhhh," he stammered. "Here you go."
He handed me my bra, our cheeks all red.

"Thanks," I said, trying hard not to make this conversation any more awkward. "Where's Adrienne, Joey, and Billie?"

"Mom and Joey are hiking and dad's surfing down at the beach."

"So where you off to?"

"Gonna catch up with mom and Joey," he smiled.

"Oh, okay." I said. "Take care!"

We exchanged smiles and parted ways.
I headed back to the resort to take a shower and probably enjoy the view up top. I can now enjoy being alone without feeling so lonely.


I got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my bod. I sat down on the bed and brushed my hair.

Meanwhile, someone knocked on my door.
"Who is it?" I called out.

"It's the hottest guy you've ever known," the voice said through the door.

I rolled my eyes. "Come in, Billie."

He entered my room looking extremely hot.
Daaaaayyyyyyyyuuum, wasn't he kidding.
His hair was tousled and wet from surfing. Beads of water trickled down on his sexy, tattooed body.
And to top it all off....he winked at me.
I could literally melt at that second!
Why do guys have to be so frickin hot when they're wet?!

My jaw dropped.
"Well," Billie said, running his hands all over his body, "Can't deny the view."

"Psshhh." I averted my gaze and pretended not to care.
But man! Can't simply deny the view.

Aliyah and I were the only ones in the room...you know what comes next.
I took a moment to get out of her room, fish a condom out of my bag, and stick it in between my teeth.
I came back to the room and tackled Aliyah onto her bed.

"Billie, what the hell?!" She laughed. Brushing her hair off her face.
When she cleared her view, Aliyah noticed the condom I was biting into.

I smirked and raised my eyebrows. I took it out of my mouth and said, "nobody will hear us from here."

"Fine," she sighed. I was about to open it when she asked, "hey, did you put a condom on when we first did it?"

"Yeah, of course I did." I honestly said.

"No you didn't," she said firmly.

"I did..."

"I didn't see you do it."

"Well, how come your not pregnant until now?"

Aliyah narrowed her eyes. "Good point."

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