33) Never Give Up

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I did it once...I could do it again.

I'm literally like an animal that's tied up. My dad bound my feet to the foot of my bed.
How crazy is that?

They left me home alone in the house...
Wrong move...
They have no idea of what I'm capable of.

I tried to wriggle my feet free from the tight knot, enduring the pain of rope burns.
If I can jump out of a car, I can sure as hell get my feet off of these.

Minutes have passed and I'm miraculously free. My feet bled a little bit but that won't stop me.

I staggered to my door and, as expected, it was locked.
I slam my body against the door but it doesn't seem to budge. I looked around my room and saw a desk at a corner.

I mustered all my courage and strength to hit the door with the desk.
I tried once.

Then the door fell asunder.
Holy frick! I did it!

I grabbed a wad of money that I've kept in my 'treasure' box in case of emergencies.

I rushed to the kitchen to make a phone call.
Yep, my parents took my phone away.

I picked it up and it was dead. They've cut the phone line.
Gahd damn it! This is torture! Man, they're really trying hard to keep me in here.

I unlocked the door and made my way out of our village.
I called a cab and told the driver to take me to the airport.

"Uhmmm...excuse me, do you happen to have a phone on you?" I asked.

"Yes, I do." He politely answered.

"May I make a quick call, please?"

"Sure." He handed me his phone and I punched in my manager's number.


"Hello?" My manager, Dan, answered.

"Dan?" I said, my voice faltering.

"Oh my gawd! Aliyah is that you?" He seemed worried and surprised at the same time.
Well, who wouldn't be? I've been in this hellhole for weeks!

"Yeah, it's me." I said. "Listen, I need your help."

"Of course! What do you need?"

"Can you get a plane off to Cali for me?"

There was silence on the other end.

"Hello?" I wondered if he's still there. He's my only hope right now.

"Oh..sorry, I'm still here."

"Is something wrong?"

"Aliyah...I-I," he stammered.

"You what?" I said, frustrated.

"I can't..."

I think my insides just exploded. "What?!.....Why??"

"Aliyah I'm under orders...I can't." I felt sorry for him.

"Okay...uhhh...I understand."

"Listen, Aliyah, I would really love to but I'll be implicated. Your parents' side won and I can't help you run away."

"It's...fine. I'm okay." I tried to calm down and devise another escape plan.

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