40) The True Hero

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When I came to, I found myself on a hospital bed...again.
Dafuq? How the hell am I still alive?

I examined myself. I got a big patch on my chest near my left breast. I tried to sit up but I winced in pain.

Where's Billie?

My question was answered when Billie opened the door.
"Holy fuck!" He exclaimed.

He ran to the side of my bed and cupped my face in his hands.
"I thought you were going to die!"

"Yeah," I chuckled. "I saw 'the light'. But maybe it's just a dream."

Billie's emerald eyes looked deep into my soul. "....it's not....because you were dead for two minutes."

I was speechless. I opened my mouth but no words came out.

"It's a miracle..." He said, leaning forward to kiss me.

I can almost touch his lips when...

"Actually..." The doctor said, barging in.
Argh! Fuck you, doc!
Y'know if I could, I would've slapped him in the face for ruining our moment.

Billie immediately pulled away.

The doctor continued, "...the real hero of this miracle is this thing right here." He held up a broken piece of gold jewelry.
My necklace!

The heart-shaped locket had dents in it and a hole right in the middle.

"If it weren't for this," he started. "You wouldn't have survived."
"The bullet shot this locket, making it slow down....the shrapnels of the bullet was inches away from your heart!"

He walked up to the other side of my bed and settled the necklace on my hand.
"For memories," the doctor said, then left.

I took a moment to examine the necklace then shared a look with Billie.

I laughed. "Our 'naughty memory' saved me!"

Billie let out a laugh too, but it was more out of relief.
"It's clearly not your 'time' yet..."

"I know," I said. "Why would I want to leave if I have so much to live for?"

We shared a smile and kissed. The kiss was different...in a good way. I feel safe. I feel loved.

Minutes after, we pulled away.
"I missed you," I said, letting a tear trickle down my cheek.

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