23) The Awkward Dinner Chat

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I woke up on my bed with different clothes on.
How the hell did I get here? Why am I wearing these?

I suddenly remembered the image of my own dad on top of Aliyah.
That's disgusting, man! She's like a sister to us!
Gawd, that is so fucked up. Argh! I can't stand this! I wanna puke!

Before I even got myself outta bed, somebody knocked on the door.
"Come in," I said, my voice sounding a little hoarse.

Aliyah peeped her head. "Jakob, dinner's ready."

"Okay," I said a little too fast.

She shut the door and left.
Why did she act like nothing happened?
Maybe nothing really did happen. And it was all just a stupid dream.

I sat up and found my clothes scattered on the floor.
Maybe I was so tired yesterday that I hastily changed my clothes and went to bed.
So what happened is only a dream then?
Should I act like nothing happened?
Should I tell them about that?

All the thinking made my brain ache...and also my stomach.
I headed to the table where all three of them were.

Jakob walked towards the table giving Billie and I suspicious looks.
He reluctantly sat on the table.

We ate in silence till Jakob asked, "how did I end up on my bed?"

"Well," Billie started. "You staggered in the resort, went straight to your room, and shut the door."

"Oh..." It was all Jakob could say.


After a few minutes, Jakob asked again, "hey sis, where were you?"

"When?" I asked.

"When I headed back to the resort..."

"I didn't know when you came back," I lied. "But I spent my time by the dock where you saw me last time."

"When did you come back?"

I came up with an answer quickly. "I dunno exactly, but it's getting a lil dark out that time so I decided to head back."

Jakob nodded his head and went back to his food.

Joey but in, "why are you asking her these questions, anyway?"

Jakob shrugged. "Nothing."

"Is everything alright?" Adrienne asked. "Something seems to be bothering you."

"No, I'm fine." Jakob said, cheeks turning red.

Billie pressed, "no secrets in the family, right?"
Billie winked at me fast enough for no one to notice but me.

"....I had a weird dream, that's all."

"What dream?" I said, plastering a questioning look on my face.
Psssh like he's gonna tell it to everyone.

"I-I-uhhhh...." Joey stammered. "I dreamt of people having sex."

That almost made me spill my be- water...

I instinctively looked at Billie then quickly averted my gaze.

I looked at Adie.
Adie looked at Billie.
I looked at Joey.
Joey looked at Billie.
Billie looked at me.
I looked at Jakob.

Adie cleared her throat. "Well, I studied Humanities before and it says that when you dreamt of two people having sex, you have uhmmm...desires."
She professionally explained that. Can this family be any more open?
Seriously?! They can talk about that?

"But..." Jakob trailed off.

"But what, honey?" Adie asked sweetly.

"They're not 'just' random people..."

"Who are they then?" Adie asked innocently.

Jakob remained silent then said, "y'know, it's just a dream...no need to make a big deal out of it, right?" Jakob chuckled nervously.

Nobody pressed Jakob on who were the ones in his dream...which is good.
Glad he thought that it was dream.
Gawd, we are so lucky.
That was too damn close.

Breaking the silence, Adrienne spoke up. "You know, Aliyah, you can start calling me 'mom'...if that'll be alright with you."

My lips curled to a smile. "That'd be great, mom."

"I'm sure that Billie would also like to be called 'dad'."

Adr--I mean...mom's remark almost made Billie spit his drink all over us. He coughed intensely, eyes watering.
I stifled a laugh.

"Yeah yeah that'd be great, too." Billie said, recovering.

Adrienne beamed at me. "You're a part of our family, now."
"Isn't that great?" She turned to Billie.

"Yeah," he said half-heartedly.


Halfway through my meal, I decided to tease Billie.
"Dad, can you please pass the salt?"

Billie shot me a look. I can't help but smile a little.
He passed me the salt.
"Thanks....'dad'." I smirked. Billie rolled his eyes.

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