43) This is the End

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"Okay," I said to Aliyah. "You're ready to go."

"Finally," she sighed. I handed her some clothes and let her change from her hospital gown.


I parked outside her house.
"Well," Aliyah said. "This is me."

"Yeah..." I sighed.

She scrunched her eyebrows together. "What's wrong?"

"I just...we're gonna...." I tried to find the right words.

"We're gonna what?" Her face gets more and more curious.

"Well," I cleared my throat. "You have your own career, your own house, your own songs and albums....well...basically, your own life."


Ugh what do I say next?

"And...you'll eventually...."
Argh! Fuck me!

"Billie," she chuckled. "Just say it."

"Well....you'll eventually have a life of your own..."


"Soon you'll get to....uhhh...."
Imma say this.
"...meet new guys a-and date them..o-or even do stuff with them that we used to do..."
Finally! I said it!

"Call me possessive but...that's how I feel."
That lifted the heavy weight on my chest.

"Biiiilllliiiieeee," she coaxed. "I know how you feel because...that's how I feel, too."
"As much as I love you...I can't...have you."

"But you still can!" I shot back. "I could 'drop by' if you know what I mean." I gave her a sexy smirk.

"Oh my gawd, Billie!" Aliyah punched me playfully on the arm. "You have a frickin wife!"

She held up my hand for me to see my own wedding ring. "Can't you stay loyal?!"

I was filled with a pang of guilt. "Alright fiiineeee."
"So that's means...no more...no more sexy stuff?"

Aliyah stifled a laugh. "'Sexy stuff'." She repeated.
"I guess not, Billie." She sighed.
"I mean, this...'thing' isn't gonna work out. Do you even know that you're technically cheating on your wife?"

I let out a big sigh. "Well, if that's how this will go then...okay."

Before she stepped out of the car, I held her hand to stop her.


".....can I have one last kiss?"

She smiled and leaned in for a kiss.
I'll miss her lips.
I'll miss our 'times' together.
I'll miss the way she teases me.
I'll miss her all!

I didn't want to let go but she pulled away.
"Billie," she said. "You're not the one for me...but you'll always have a special place in my heart."

She kissed me on the cheek, stepped out of the car, went inside her house, and left me speechless.

It's true that we weren't made for each other...

...but she sure did give me one hell of a ride.

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