9) To be or Not To Be Accepted

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I got out of the car, hesitant.
Will Adie like me?
Will Joey and Jakob accept me?
These thoughts flooded my mind. I couldn't think about anything else.

Billie walked up to me and gave me a kiss. A girl, whom I assume was Aliyah, just stood there with her eyes darting occasionally to the floor.
"Hi," I greeted. "You must be Aliyah." I stretched out my hand and she shook it.

"Pleased to meet you Mrs. Armstrong." She smiled. Joey and Jakob introduced themselves, too.

"Now," Billie started. "We'll give you a short tour inside our house." We all headed inside and showed her around.

When we finally reached Aliyah's new room, Billie handed her to me. "I'll leave Adie to show you your new room." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and kissed Aliyah's forehead.

Billie left with Joey and Jakob. I opened the door for Aliyah. "Welcome to your
new room," I said. "Hope you like it."

Aliyah's jaw dropped. "Hope I like it??" She threw her hands in the air. "Who wouldn't?"
She admired the wardrobe, curtains, drawers, and the posters that I got for her. "This is amazing," she said in awe. "Thank you so much." Aliyah gave me a tight hug.

I handed her bag to her. "Better unpack."
"Okay," she grinned.

"And get ready for supper later on, okay? And have some rest."

"Okay." She happily danced to her bed and I shut the door.

It's good to have Aliyah here. I've never had a daughter before so I get pretty nervous on how to talk or help her with girly stuff. But Aliyah is sorta like me so that makes it easier.
She seems very nice and polite. It's hard to see that she's really a troubled kid, as so Billie says.

The room looked incredible. I finished unpacking, took a shower, put on a shirt and shorts, and got some rest.


As I got down from my room, I could smell the sweet scent of buttered vegetables.

Adie and Billie were preparing the table but Joey and Jakob weren't in the dining room. They're probably still in their rooms.

Billie noticed me and smiled. "Goodmorning."

"It's already 7 in the evening," I chuckled.

"Hi, honey." Adrienne said while setting the viand on the table. "Would you kindly call Joey and Jakob?"

"Sure," I said.

I managed to find my way to Jakob's room first.
I found Jakob lying on his bed face down. I tapped him softly. "It's dinner time," I whispered.

He groaned. "Be there in a minute."

I left Jakob's room and went to find Joey's. He's already up, fixing his hair in front of the mirror. "Hey lil' sis," he said, giving me toothy grin. Being called "lil' sis" by THE Joey Armstrong feels awesome as f**k.

"Dinner's ready."

"Yep, I could smell mom's cooking from up here." He mussed my hair and went downstairs.

For a second there, I felt like I belong. Heck, Joey even called me "lil' sis"!
Sorry if I haven't gotten over it yet.

I followed Joey down and found Jakob staggering behind me.

We all got together in the table and ate. "So, what brings you here?" Jakob asked. "Your dad invited me to make music with Green Day," I replied.

"Seriously?!? That's awesome."

"Yeah, can't believe it either."

"For how long will you be here?" Joey asked.

"Uhhh....I'm not really sure."

"It's fine," Jakob butt in. "You got everything you need right here." He gave me a smile. "Not to mention these two big bro's." He pointed at himself and Joey.

"Mom, mind if we show Aliyah around tonight?" Joey asked. "Or maybe like...go on a mini date with Jakob and I?"

"Uhhmmm...." Adrienne looked at Billie.

"Uhhh....y-yeah..sure, I-I guess," Billie stammered. "Just be home by 9."

"You got it, dad." Joey and Jakob replied in unison.

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