28) Court Chaos

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Keep calm, Aliyah...
Just like we practiced.
Remember the story.
Remember how it goes.
Stay calm.
Keep calm.
Deep breath...
Deep breath...

After a week of discussing matters with Billie's lawyer, we're finally here in court.
Billie squeezed my hand. "You okay?"

"Yeah...I'm fine," I said shakily.

"You don't sound like it." He gave me a weak smile. "It's gonna be fine, we can do this."

I nodded.

Soon after, I saw my dad sit on the opposite side of the room. He gave me a sharp look.
My heart felt like it was pierced by a dagger.
If we don't win this case...I'm dead.


After our lawyer shared our side to the jury, my dad's lawyer stood up. I know who the guy is...
It's his cousin.
Man! That guy is good.

I gulped. We're gonna lose this. I'm not of legal age yet! I ran away with fake paperworks! And Billie's implicated!
It's my fault.


My heart sank deeper than the Titanic when I realized that dad's side won.

"Billie! Billie!" I held him tight. "Don't let me go, please."
Tears ran down my cheek as I felt a large hand grip my shoulder.

I turned to see my dad trying to pry my hands off of Billie.

"No! No!" I screamed. Suprisingly, nobody seemed to care. I could hear my own hopeless voice echo in the air.

My dad tugged on my hair causing my hand to fly to it, letting go of Billie.

Billie stood up for me. "Hey! Hey! Please st--" and with that, my dad let Billie get a taste of his fist.

"Billie!" I balled my fists, ready to strike. I brought it right between my dad's eyes.
I felt my bone crack, but I didn't care.

I recovered form the pain and hit him again. Then all of those sick memories came back to me.

The times when they didn't care.
The times when they only thought of themselves.
The times when they hurt me emotionally...and physically, too.

And...I snapped. I didn't exactly know what happened and how it happened but I found myself on top of my dad, beating the shit out of him.

"Aliyah! Stop! Aliyah!" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see Billie, wiping the blood that was continuously flowing out of his nose.
I was angered yet again.

I looked down at my dad. He has lots of cuts, bruises, and blood on his face.
I felt euphoria.
Look who's laughing now?

I continued to smash my fist on his jacked up face.

Seconds after, a man pulled me back. He grabbed me by my arms and locked his grip. I tried to struggle free but I can't.

Then, I felt a needle pierce my skin.
My vision blurred and I passed out on the cold floor.

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