5) Meet and greet

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We arrived at my house and parked the car in the curb.
I felt like my heart went up to my throat. I gulped it down....hard.

Billie let out a big sigh. "Okay, here goes nothing."

We all got out of his car and stepped on my front porch.
They approached the door casually while I staggered to it. It felt a lil awkward being with older guys that you really like. When my parents see this, wouldn't it be awkward and weird leaving your child with guys like these?

I've been in the exact same porch in years but this time, it was different. My world is changing. My life is changing.

"So, who'll knock?," Mike asked.
"I'll do it," I said, and so I did. After a few seconds, the door swung open. It's my mom. Thank the Lawd Jaysus!

She looked at me, then at the big three and said, "come in." She must've known what was about to happen. Mr. Bridgewell may have informed my mom beforehand.

We all stepped inside, the ambience of the room felt different. The ground seems to shake, or maybe it's just me. My mom montioned us to sit down on the couch. And we did. My mom left the room to prepare some drinks and called my dad...
No, not my dad. Anyone but my dad.

I tried to look as nonchalant as I can.
Billie did most of the talking. He briefly explained all the things that would happen during my stay there. Dad started to ask about me (their convo went a little like this):
Dad: What about her studies?
Billie: I can enroll her in my kids' school.
Dad: Where will she live?
Billie: In our house and eventually she can have her own.
Dad: How long does she have to stay there?
Billie: That will depend on her career.
Dad: Who'll take full responsibility of her?
Billie: I'd be glad to.
There was complete silence.
Dad: No.

Another silence. All the joy and bliss were wiped out across my face.

Billie: Thank you sir for your time.
They all stood up but me and shook hands with my dad.

Dad immediatley left the room. I ran to Billie and said, "So you'll give up just like that?"

Billie replied, "Aliyah, we have nothing against them. You're not ours."

"What if I can change their minds?," I persisted. Billie was silent for a while then said, "we'll wait until seven in the morning."

"Thank you so much!," I almost shouted.

Then they all left till it's just me in the room. After a while, mom came up to me, "I'm sorry dear but it's for your own good. We don't trust those people. Plus, it's not like you're gonna live your life making music forever."
She should've just finished it at 'we don't trust these people'. That would've been a whole lot nicer.

I nodded and went straight to my room. I grabbed a big duffel bag and stuffed in all the things I'll need for the trip. Clothes, pocket money, passport, some food and toiletries. I put the duffel bag in a trash bag and hid it in the bushes just outside our house.
I put my electric guitar in it's case. I'll tell my parents that we have band practice tomorrow that's why I'm gonna bring my guitar. In addition, imma tell them that I'll come home late because of a school project.

Finally, I'm all set for my runaway/escape plan. And they know nothing about it. I went back in my room, switched off the lights, lay down my bed, and stared at the ceiling. I will be with my real family soon. This is my chance. My opportunity. I will not let this pass by.

I shut my eyes. The last thing in my head was that I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I will do it.

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