32) Story of My Life

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I was walking to my room when dad called, "You! Get your fucking ass down here!"

I obeyed and faced my father. "You think you can handle yourself, huh?" He lowered his face to mine. "You little prick!"

Even though I've just recovered from the incident, he mercilessly struck me with any object he could grab on to.

I just let him do his thing while I lay there like a limp doll.
There's no point in fighting back. It's futile.

I was covered in cuts, bruises, scratches, anything you could think of!
My condition right now is far worse than the one I had when I got hit by a car.

After about half an hour of misery, he left me laying on the cold tiles.


Weeks have passed and it's already September.
I remembered that I was suppose to play with Green Day for the first time.

But that won't happen anymore.


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