1) This Is Where It All Started

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"Mom please, just this once." I begged her.
"Fine," she sighed. "Just make sure to be back before 11."

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I exclaimed, hugging her.

"Don't do anything stupid," she reminded me.

"Yes, mom."

Thanks to my mom, I could finally see Green Day perform...LIVE!

I heard Kean's engine hum on the driveway and honked.
"Bye, mom!" I shut the door behind me.

I ran to Kean's car. I rode shotgun.
"Nice outfit." He complimented.
"Thank you," I replied.
I was wearing a red hoodie over my black tank top with dark skinny jeans and chucks.

He played the albums 'Uno Dos Tre' in the car and we sang along as we headed to the concert.


People start flooding in the area. I feel so gahddayyum lucky to be directly in front of the stage.
I ran my fingers across the platform.
Billie will be here any minute now.

I patiently waited till all the lights went out and the people cheered.
A single spotlight shown over Billie as he ran to the center of the stage.
My heart fluttered.


Billie sang and I felt bliss. I felt tears run down my cheek. I was about to wipe them off when a voice said, "what's wrong?"

I looked up and saw Billie Joe frickin Armstrong looking straight at me.
Ohmigosh! He asked ME! Say something!
I wasn't able to say a word.

"We're supposed to be happy tonight, aren't we?" He tilted his head to the side.
So adorable!

"Why don't you come up here on stage?" He offered his hand. I reluctantly took it and he pulled me up on stage.

I was taken aback by the sight of the horrendous sea of Idiots.
Billie gave me a smile that felt like he's known me for a long time.
"You remind me of someone." He said. His mesmerizing green eyes looked deep into my soul.
I broke eye contact and searched the floor.

"Don't be shy." He lifted my chin up. "Do you play?"

"Uhh--yeah..." I managed.

"Cool, mind playing a few songs for me?"

"Sure," I grinned.

He took Floyd from his shoulders and slung it to mine.
"What's your name?" He asked.

Billie introduced me to the crowd.
We played Oh Love and Stray Heart. He even let me sing some of the verses and chorus.

After the performance, Billie took Floyd back. "Hey, uhhh, mind if I show you around later? Y'know, sorta like a little tour?"
I gasped. "Yeah, sure."
"Great." He smiled. "See ya backstage."

I got back down the stage and finished the concert.


After the concert, Billie pulled me up onstage again and led me to the back. Before I got out of sight, I mouthed to Kean: Be back later.
He gave me two thumbs up and mouthed back: Good luck!

Billie held my hand as we walked. He's still all sweaty, handsome, and H-O-T at that very moment.
AhhJeezz! Getting turned on again, ugh.

We got inside a room which I'm guessing was his personal one.
"I'm gonna shower for a short while. That okay with you?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course! I'll wait."

He turned his back to me and slowly stripped off. I bit my lip. Rawr..


He got out of the showers and got dressed.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"Mmhmm." I replied, grinning.

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