25) Bad News

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We're back in Cali, getting ready for our tour this coming September. We'd like to invite Aliyah to play with us so she'll have to practice with Green Day more often.


After three hours of practice, we took a break and Aliyah decided to check her 'personal' Facebook, email, twitter, etc. accounts once again.

I watched her expression harden while she's browsing something on her phone.

"Everything alright?" I asked, worried.

"They're here..." She muttered and cursed under her breath.

"Who's they?"

"My parents..."
Aliyah tossed me her phone and I miraculously caught it with my hands shaking.

I read the message and it said:
Aliyah, please come home. We only want what's best for you. For months we've been trying to reach you and finally we're here.
We need to talk. Meet us at the bakery a few blocks ahead Adeline.

It also indicates that the message was sent this morning...

"Some luck, huh?" Aliyah commented. "I'll just stay here...they're not worth seeing anyway."

I wouldn't want Aliyah to hate her family this much so I said, "Aliyah...I think you should at least talk to them."
She avoided eye contact. "Just hear their side.."

"Billie..." she said, trying to control the tone of her voice. "I don't wanna do this."

"You should," I said calmly. "They're still your parents..."

"Biologically," she muttered and turned her back to me. "Why don't they just go here at Adeline?"

"Because they want to talk to you in private...plus, they know I'll be here."

She didn't say another word.

"Look..." I walked up to Aliyah and spun her around. "Give them another chance."

She shook my hands away. "I gave them hell of a lot more chances than ya think."

"Aliyah," I said sternly, "you're not of legal age yet..." Her eyes started to tear up.
"If you don't sort things out, I'll be charged with God-knows-what!"

She took a deep breath. "Alright...I'll do it."

"Good," I sighed with relief.

"Can I hire a couple of bouncers?"

"What do you need them for?"

"My dad is...." Aliyah's eyes wandered the room. "....unpredictable."

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