6) Escape plan

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I awoke to the sound of my alarm. I'm ready. I feel alive. I got out of bed, took a shower, got all dressed up, ate breakfast, grabbed my pack, and headed outside.

I grabbed the duffel bag from inside the big trash bag and made the switch. I rode the bus to school feeling like a new person. Like I was baptized again. The feeling is inexplicable. There are no words in the english dictionary that could explain this kind of bliss.

For the first time in my life, I ain't afraid.
I arrived at school with a smile on my face. I headed straight to my class greeting everybody a good morning.

When I entered the room, Kean eyed me from head to toe.
"Where you off to?," Kean joked. He must've noticed my stuffed duffle bag.

"Off to California with Green Day," I replied. My smile reaching up to my ears.

"Yeah, riiiigggghht." Kean rolled his eyes. "Dream on, idiot."

"Kean, I'm serious." I almost laughed.


"Fine, don't believe me then." I laughed. My laugh must've increased his doubts about what I was saying.


The class had started and I just can't stop smiling. "You seem incredibly happy today," my math teacher noticed, "is something up?"

"Nothing much," I lied. My teacher gave me a 'really' look
I smiled a toothy grin and he went back to his lecture.

After a while, a knock came at the door. It was Mr. Bridgewell. "Yes?," my teacher said, entertaining our school principal.

"May I excuse Ms. Pines?"
I sprung up my seat, grabbed my stuff and headed out the door. By the time I got out, I heard another door slam behind me.
It was Kean.

"Oh my gosh were you fucking serious back there?" Kean pulled on his hair.

"Yes!" I said euphorically. "I can't believe it, either!"

"So, when are you coming back?"

My eyes searched the floor. "I don't know," I muttered. "Never, maybe."

"What?!" Kean said frantically.

"I'm not sure," I whispered to myself.

"Do your parents know?"

I remained silent.
"Dammit, Aliyah!" Kean threw his hands in the air."

"Kean please don't tell anyone. Pretend that you don't anything about this, okay?" I begged. I lowered my voice down enough for Mr. Bridgewell not to hear.

Kean breathed through his nostrils heavily. "Fine," Kean scoffed. "I'll keep my mouth shut."

"Thank you!" I threw my arms around him.

"I sure am gonna miss you Aliyah." He whispered in my ear.

I pulled away from the hug. A tear ran down his cheek.
"Don't cry big baby," I teased. He wiped off the tear with a laugh then sighed. "Goodluck and be a good girl for me, okay?," he said sternly.

"I promise." I lifted my hand up.

"Okay," he smiled. "Goodbye for now."

"Goodbye," I replied. "Now get back to class!"

He chuckled. "Yes, miss Armstrong."

"That's "Mrs." Armstrong to you." I joked.

He let out a little laugh then went back to class.
I spun on my heel and followed Mr. Bridgewell through the halls.

I saw Billie leaning against a wall in the hallway. My principal gestured me to go, and so I did.
Mr. Bridgewell went back to his office.

"You ready to go?," Billie asked.

"Yeah," I replied, staring at his beautiful green eyes.

"Wow, they actually let you?," he asked.
I started to contemplate about lying to him or not.
If I tell him the truth, he might not let me come. Plus, he'll be charged of kidnapping or child abuse or I dunnowhat!

But if I lie, I could go with him to California, start a new life, then tell him. I should tell him by the time we already got there so that there'll be no way out anymore.
However, it'll heavily disappoint Billie (and I) about the lie. So, what now?

I took a deep breath. "I ran away I don't know what else to do I've been waiting for this impossible moment to happen please don't take it away from me I really love you and I'll do the craziest and stupidest things just to be with you I love you so so so so much Billie Joe," I said it faster than how a Ferrari could go. There aren't any pauses too.

"You must be that desperate," he said with a smirk.
"You're pretty audacious," he added, "you sure you wanna do this?"

"More than anything in the world."

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