3) Regret?

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As I buttoned-down my shirt, I watch Aliyah put her pants back on. Every time I look at her, I see a piece of Adrienne. I know what I did was wrong but....I feel good about it. I missed being with Adie.

"Billie?" Aliyah asked, worried. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just....y'know...I-I-I'm sorry about what happened earlier...that was...so not me..." I stammered. "Should I feel bad o-o-or what?"

"Biiilliiieee," she sighed, putting both hands on my cheeks, "it's fine. I understand. You only need to get it out of your chest."

"You see me as Adie right?" She coaxed.
I nodded.
"So technically you just fucked your wife in the speaker room." she giggled.

Adrienne and Aliyah are two different people and I can clearly see that. I just can't accept the fact that I feel the same way for both of them.
I am so fucked up.

"I gotta go," Aliyah said half-heartedly. "If your memory about us will keep on bothering you, forget about me Billie. I don't want to ruin you and your marriage."

"But I don't want to forget you. I-I-I actually like you......I-I love you the same way I love Adie."

"But you already belong to her, Billie." She said, her voice quavering. "You're not mine and I'll never be yours."

I held her hands. A tear trickled down her cheek. She must love me too....

Aliyah gave me a weak smile, "Thanks for the memory 'Mr. Armstrong'."
She kissed me on the cheek and ran to the back door.

I stood there, frozen. The banging on the door almost made me jump.
"Billie!" Tre shouted through the door. "What the fuck is taking you so long?"
I swung the door open.

Tre scanned me from head to toe. "Well, somebody forgot to fix their sex hair."

Shit! I got caught! Think of an excuse! Think of an excuse!
"Sex hair?" I said, putting on my best confused look.

"Look at you, you're a mess!....a 'hot' mess to be exact."

"What are you talking about? I was moving the speakers that's why I got all sweaty and everything."

"Right...right...I did tell you that we're not gonna bring those speakers with us right?"

"Ohhhh yeaaahhh right. Stupid me. I forgot." I managed to pull it off.

"Well, everything's on the bus now except for you so let's get going!"

"Okay, okay, I'll go..." I said, taking one last look at the place where it all happened. I smiled at the memory.
I then slammed the door behind me.

I wiped a tear from my cheek and walked out the back. I saw Kean, waiting for me. My eyes widened.
Did he hear us....?
"Hey," he said with a smile. "How did your tour go? I am really jealous by the way."

Phew! Good he doesn't know shit.
"It went okay," I replied.

" 'Okay'?"


"For me, spending half an hour with Billie Joe Armstrong isn't just 'okay'.."

I laughed, "what do you want me to say then?"

"I want you to say something like 'OH. MY. GAWD! Did you know what happened? It was like...sooooo amazing and romantic..and he is SO FRICKING HOT...'," he said, mimicking my high-pitched voice.

"I don't sound like that," I said, punching him in the arm.

"Yeah but....you sound like that when you're 'fangirling' "

We both laughed.


Kean drove me home. I texted my mom that I'll come home late because it's traffic and there's another horrendous sea of Idiots (GD fans) blocking the way.
I slept during the ride, thinking about Billie.


It's already 12:54 and the lights in the living room are still on.
I thanked Kean for the ride and went inside.

I found my dad with my mom, watching tv.
"I'm home," I said.
My dad jolted from his seat and smacked me on the face.
My face burned.
"Why did you go to that concert? Look at what it got you!"
I didn't say a thing.

My dad hit me in the head. My mom tried to stop him.
"Answer me!" He bellowed.

"M-m-mom let me..." I said with a shaky voice.

"I let her," mom interrupted. "I let her, I told her to go."
They argued and dad left in a huff.

"I'm sorry, honey," my mom comforted me.

"It's fine mom, I'm okay." I replied with a half-hearted smile.
I fixed my hair and went straight to my room.

I threw my pack in one corner and dove on my bed. My face still hurt from the punch but, I just couldn't think about anything but Billie. Yah, my night didn't go that well....it's fine. I'm used to it. Dad always does that because he easily gets angry.

After all, I deserve it. I kinda sorta disobeyed mom. She told me to be home by 11, which I didn't. And she also told me not to do anything stupid, which I did.

I waved it off my mind and drifted off to sleep.

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