10) Let's Play: Dodge the Question

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It's surprising how Joey and Jakob could get used to me in a split second...it's one hell of a frickin miracle.


After dinner, I got dressed and the three of us headed to closest mall at their place.
We watched a scary movie and I felt the creeps after the show. I really regret watching but I'm the one who insisted anyway.
As we walked back to Joey's car, he broke the silence. "Dad says that you're going to be with us for while.....a very long while."

"I'm not really sure with that." I scratched my head. "It depends on something."

"What something?." Jakob asked.

"I-....My.....I-......." I choked on my words. I wouldn't want to tell them that I ran away.

"Hey," Joey smiled at me. "It's fine, chill."


We got in the car and engaged in another small convo.
"So, how did you and dad meet?" Jakob asked.
My cheeks were on fire! Obviously, I can't tell them about what happened between us. That would be so freaking embarrassing that if I tell them that, I could die of shame.

"He let me play on stage." I managed to find an excuse. "He knew that I've always wanted to sell records but I don't have anything."

"Well that's lucky," Joey mused. "Dad doesn't really take home guests."

"Where are your parents?" Jakob asked.

"Back at home."

"They knew that you'd stay this long?"

I wanna be honest with them as possible. "No....because I-...I-...I ran away."


"Ohhhhhhhhh sooo badass," they said in unison.
My eyes widened.
"They're gonna know where you are soon though," Jakob said. "When you get famous."

"Yeah but......." I said. "Will they actually exert that much effort to get here?"

"We'll know soon," Joey said, ending the conversation.


We got home on time.
"Mom! Dad! We're home!" Joey and Jakob said as they opened the front door.

We found Billie and Adie on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey, how's the mini date?" Adie got up from the couch and gave us a hug.

"It went well," Jakob said, flashing a smile.


After a while, Billie told us to go into our rooms.
He escorted me to mine.
I got under the covers and he sat down next to me.
"Told you everything will be alright." Billie slightly pinched my cheeks.

I sat up and hugged him. "Thanks for everything."

I pulled away from the hug. "You're welcome." He smiled. "Now, I deserve a goodnight's kiss."

I rolled my eyes. I was about to kiss him on the cheek when he backed away. "Woah, what are you doing?" He exclaimed.

"Giving you a kiss."

"On the cheek?"

"Uhhh...yeah, duh."

"That ain't a kiss for me." He said. "This is....."
He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. He kissed me gently and I really missed the feeling that creeps along my spine. It's been a while since I felt this way.

Wait, I think our thing only happened....yesterday? Meh, it seems like a century to me.

Billie pressed his body against mine, causing me to lie down on my bed. I was starting to enjoy the kiss when I remembered that we're in his house and not in some private place where we could be cheesy and all.
"Billie,"I said, pulling away from the kiss. "Now's not the right time.....go back to your room and do your wife or something."

He stifled a laugh. "Fine, fine, yes ma'am."

He tucked me in, gave me a kiss on the forehead, and left.

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