24) Just...don't

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After dinner, all of us went straight to our rooms.
I headed to Aliyah's room to bid her a good night.

As I got there, she's nowhere to be seen. "Aliyah?" I called out.
There wasn't any answer.

Then it came to me.

I dashed up the stairs to check and she was there like I had thought.
"Hey," I said.

She turned her head. "Hey."

I sat down beside her on the concrete floor. "You alright?"

"Never better...after what happened. Now, we should be EXTRA careful. That was too damn close." She breathed in the cool wind and looked up at the stars of August.

I followed her gaze and admired the stars.
"I've never been this happy, Billie." A tear rolled down her cheek.
She cursed. "Ugh, sorry. I'm this emotional, get used to it."

"It's fine..."

"No it's not, argh. Tears just keep on comin'. I don't think I have control over my tear ducts anymore."

I smiled and wiped her tears.
"Thanks," she said, ".....dad."

Arrrrggghhhh, there goes that word again!
I narrowed my eyes. She laughed her ass off.

"I don't want to be 'dad-zoned'." I said.

"I don't want to be 'daughter-zoned'." She shot back.

"Then don't call me 'dad'."

"Mmkay." Aliyah said.

"So," I started. "Wanna head back now?"

She stood up and offered me a hand. "Sure....'dad'."

I shot her a look then swatted her hand away.
She stifled a laugh.
"Don't," I pleaded. "Just...don't."

"Yeah yeah whatever....Billie."

"That's better." I beamed.

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