38) Waiting

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Aliyah was rushed to the ER and I was left outside the room to wait.

30 minutes have passed...
I stood there with Mike and Tre sitting beside me.
I crossed my arms and bowed my head so that nobody can see that I was crying.
I thought of Aliyah.
The moments when she made me happy...
The moments when she inspired me...
The moments when she never gave up...

She can't just leave this easily!
Why did she have to save me?

Who was that sick bastard who tried to shoot me?!
If it wasn't for that guy, Aliyah would still be here!

But that doesn't matter right now...
I just want her to live.


An hour has passed when a doctor came out of the room.
"Mr. Armstrong?"

"Yes?" I looked up, my eyes all puffy and red.

He sighed. "We...did all that we can..but.."
He trailed off.

Fuck! This can't be!
I know where this is going...

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