4) What The Fuck

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I woke to the sound of my mom yelling through my door, "Wake up! You're gonna be late for school!"

"Okay, mom!" I replied. I tried to stand up but there's this weird feeling down there...
Gosh I'm still a bit sore from last night. Billie really did a great job.

I staggered my way to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I ran downstairs, hastily ate my breakfast, grabbed my pack, and hopped inside the bus.


I walked to my locker and saw Kean walking up to me. I smiled at him.

"So....how's little Miss Armstrong doing?"

"She's doing great, actually."

"Mind giving me details about 'last night'?" He said, nudging me.

"Ugh, again?!" I blushed. "He just showed me around, Kean."

"Oh, no...." he replied, worried.

"What?" I asked, confused of his reaction.

"You're blushing," Kean blurted out. "Something happened! Give me details!"

"Well," I started. Kean's face lit up. "He...uhh....asked me about myself...and he told me that I remind him of Adrienne."

"Billie Joe said that to you?" Kean said surprisingly. "You are so gaddayum lucky to be complimented like that."

"Yeah, I know right?" I said placidly, trying to hide the euphoric feeling I had last night.

"Well, we better get going. See you in English!"

"Mmkay, see you there!" I called back.


I sat in English class with my mind still hanging at the thought of what happened with Billie and I.

An urgent knock on the door cut me off from my reverie.
"Excuse me, may I have a word with Miss Pines?" I heard a voice say.
It was our school principal, Mr. Bridgewell.
What the fuck? I barely got called by the principal. What did I do?

"Yes, sir. You may," replied my teacher politely.

I dubiously stood up from my seat and exited the room. I greeted the principal with a smile.
"Miss Pines," Mr. Bridegwell started, "are you expecting any...uhhh....company today?"

"Uhhhhh," I tried my best to recall, "I don't think so, as far as I can remember."

"Oh, because there's this man who came in earlier and asked for you."

What the fuck? Woah, woah, woah...
Could that be.....?

"Sir, what did he look like?" I asked.

"Oh you know," he said casually, "he wore a shirt and a pair of jeans....usual stuff. He looked like he's in his mid 20s or 30s and he has dark hair, green eyes, and says that he's Billie...Joel? Joey?...uhh..."

"Billie Joe Armstrong?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, that guy."

What the fuck?
Could it really be Billie?
The get-up, the hair, the age (yeah, he looks young doesn't he), and the eyes!
It has gotta be Billie Joe Armstrong!
...but what's he doing here?

"I remember now," I lied. "Yes, he told me that he's gonna be here."

"Oh well, if that's the case, he's waiting for you at the office," he said with a smile.


I sat in the principal's office waiting for Aliyah. Gosh, the last time I'd been in a principal's office was when I got caught selling joints in highschool. Good times.

I don't really know what kind of mysterious force brought me here. It gave me enough motivation to find out where she goes to school.
Swear, it took me long and tedious researches just to get here.

I want to see Aliyah again, to be honest. It bothers me to leave her like that after the 'thing' had happened.
As crazy as it sounds, I want to be with her. Not necessarily in a romantic way but in a way that you only want to be with that person.

The door swung open and I saw Aliyah in the doorway.
"Billie!" she exclaimed and gave me a hug. "I never thought I'd see you again."
She pulled away from the embrace sheepishly and wiped a tear off her cheek.
"What brings you here?" She asked.

"Ohhh...uhhh...." I forgot why I was even here.

"Is it because of what happened....last night?"

"No, no." I assured her, "that's not it."

"Oh, okay." she said, looking down at her feet.

"I came here because I want to help you with your career." I explained. "I know how much you want it and I can see that you're the type of person who will never give up on themselves or their dream."

Yeah, I know, lame excuse but that's the only legit way I could think of to convince her on coming with me in Cali.

Aliyah stifled a cry. She put her hands to her mouth to keep them from shouting for joy. Tears ran down yet again on her flushed cheeks.
"Are you serious?" She asked, astonished.

"Yeah, I mean....that's want you want right?"

She nodded her head vigorously. "More than anything in the world."

"I'm asking you if you would want to go and sell your music in California."

"In Cali?!"

"Yeah," I chuckled. "In Cali, with me."

"I-I-I---" Aliyah stammered then collapsed to the floor.

After hearing what Billie had said, everything went black. When I came to, I woke up with a face hovering over my head.
"Aliyah, wake up. Wake up," Billie said, slapping my cheeks lightly.
"Wha--wha--?" I slurred.

"Good," he sighed with relief.

I found myself lying on the floor.
What the fuck?
Oh my gawd this is so embarrassing.

I stood up, straightened my shirt, and fixed my hair.
"You okay, now?" Billie asked.
"Yeah," I replied bashfully.

"So..." Billie started, "what do you think of my offer?"

"You know me." I pointed to myself.

Billie chuckled, "Yeah but the bad news is, you're not going anywhere unless your parents agree."

What the fuck?!
Of course they won't!
This is bull....

"B-bu-but," I stammered. There's no point of arguing about it. They really need to know.

"I excused you for the whole day, Aliyah." Billie said. "We need to go straight to your house this instant."

"Why now?" I whined. Especially when my dad and I aren't in good terms.

"Because we only have a day left before we leave," Billie calmly explained. "It'll be alright."
He leaned in and kissed my forehead.


We headed to his car and I found Mike and Tre at the back.
"Yo!" Tre greeted. "You Aliyah?"

"Yeah." My lips curved to a smile. He knows my name! And said it too!

"Oh, nice to meet you." Tre and Mike both said.

Billie motioned for me to ride shotgun. He opened the door for me and I hopped in the seat.
What a gentleman.

As I got all set to drive, I saw Aliyah fumbling with the seatbelt.
"Chill.." I said, putting my hand on her lap. She gave me an ambivalent look and tried her best to put on a smile.

I started the engine and drove off to Aliyah's house.
I dunno where she lives so she helped me with the directions.

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