2) Oh Shit!

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Billie and I passed by a room filled with his guitars. I thought that's where we were going but he kept on walking. Too bad, I wanna see all his guitars.
He led me to a room filled with speakers. There are small speakers stacked at one corner and massive ones at the other. The medium-sized ones were lined up on the center of the room.

"So, uhmmm, nice speakers." I said. He chuckled. He motioned for me to sit on speakers and so we did. "Okay, this isn't really a tour. I just want to have a chat with you."
My face flushed. "Oh, uhh, what do you want to talk about?"

"I just want to know some things about you."

"Like what?"

"Like....your hobbies, maybe?"

"Oh, well....I love to sing and write my own songs."

"Really?! That's awesome!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty inspired all the time - thanks to you." I giggled. "It's easier to write songs when it comes from the heart...When it comes from your own memory."

"That's true. You get to 'feel' the song better, y'know?"

"Yeah." I stared at his emerald eyes.

"So, do you make your own records? Or even record your songs?" He said, breaking the silence.

A tear was shed from my dark brown eyes. I looked away.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Long story." I murmured.

"Don't cry..." he said in a way how you say it to a little kid. "I don't want you to cry."

I felt his hand on my cheek, brushing off the tear. My cheeks felt hot. Everything was hot....even Billie, of course. I can feel the blood rushing through my veins.
A shiver went up my spine.

He leaned in closely then pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back gently. Seconds after, he pulled away. "I'm sorry, that was wrong. You just remind me of someone.....I miss her so much."

"It's okay," I said, comforting him. "I understand."

"You remind me of Adie, y'know," he said sheepishly.

"Oh...uhhhh....I do?" I asked, stammering.

"Yeah, you both got dark hair, beautiful eyes, adorable smile....."
I smiled. My cheeks turned red. I could feel their heat.
He chuckled. "...and don't get me started on your body."
We both let out a little laugh.
"Well, you don't only look like Adrienne...you act like her, too." He said. "You both make me feel okay and...confident about myself. There's the same ambience whenever you're around."

I looked down and managed a smile. Gawd, I'm not good with eye contact.

"Billie! C'mon it's time to go," a voice said through the door.

"Yeah, be there in a minute." Billie called out.

"Well," I said, standing up. "Guess you gotta go."

"Yeah," he said, also standing up.

I headed towards the door when...
"Wait," Billie said. He spun me around and crashed his lips to mine.
I started to walk backwards because of the force and Billie pins me to the wall. He kisses my neck, driving me crazy.

He puts his hand on the small of my back and pulls me close. I put my arms on his shoulders.

He kept biting on my lower lip so I granted his permission. He went crazy in my mouth. It's like he poured out all the hormones he's been keeping to himself for years.

I'm starting to enjoy this....but this is wrong. His hand crept inside my top, sending massive shockwaves to my body. After a while, his hands went down to my jeans and started to unbutton them.

Woah, woah, woah...
Am I gonna let Billie do this to me?
Ahhh fuck it. This is a rare opportunity. Ugh, I'll hate myself for doing this.

He picks me up and lays me down on one of the speakers. He pulled on my jeans. Once he got them off, he put his body over me, his hands resting on either side of my head. He continues to kiss me while he unbuckles his belt. I could feel his chest pounding.

A soft moan escaped from my lips as he gently pushed it inside me.
POOF! Virginity gone.
Shivers went up and down my spine.
He thrusts harder and moans like what he does on concerts. I find it cute at the moment.

We exchanged breaths as he goes faster. "Ahhh....shit," I moaned. He mercilessly banged me. I like the pain. I want more.

I put my left arm around his shoulders and pull him close to me. We were both sweating a lot.
My fingers dig against his skin when he intensively shoves all his glory inside me.
I moaned louder than before.

Billie lowers his face next to mine and says, "I know I'm 'that' good but you do know that there are people outside who can probably hear us."
"Sorry," I whispered.

I clammed my mouth shut. Billie smiles to my muffled moans.

A feel a strong and warm sensation surge through my body. I know that there's a loud, unnecessary moan coming up.
Fuck, how do I hide this pleasure?
My supposed-to-be-incredibly-loud-moan, turns into a squeak.

Billie stopped abruptly. He pushes himself up to face me and laughed. "Gotta admit, that was cute."

I bit my lip. He lowered himself and began to kiss me.

Our tongues move in perfect harmony. He pounds on me again. This time, it was hard AND fast.
"Ahh...ohhh....shit," I moaned in between kisses.

Something cold brushed against my face. I opened my eyes. I looked over Billie's shoulder. It was my watch.
I checked the time and it read 11:54.

"Oh, shit!" I exclaimed.
Billie paused for a while.
"Sorry," Billie apologized. "Was I too rough?"

I laughed.
"No that's not it. My mom told me to be home before 11," I explained. "It's getting late."

"Oh sorry....I got a little carried away."

"A 'little'?" I joked.

"Okay, TOO carried away."

"I'm sorry I have to leave you with...uhmmm...unfinished business," I said, looking down.

"Oh! Sorry," he chuckled. He got off of me, picked up our clothes on the floor, and put it back on.

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