36) Good News

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"Aliyah?" I looked for her at the studio.

Everything went back to the way it was...and how it should be. We've never heard of Aliyah's parents again and it's been two months now.

I charged her an-ass-of-a-dad with child abuse and he got sent to jail.
Good for him.


"Yeah?" Aliyah called out.

"Time to go home now."

"Okay, be right there!"

Aliyah was able to buy her own house now so she doesn't have to stay in ours anymore.

She's now officially under my custody even though I haven't adopted her or anything.

Everything is coming together so well.


We hopped in my car and engaged in a small conversation.

"Hey," I started. "We have another tour and.....I was wondering if....you could play with us."

"Sure!" She gladly said.

"And this time, you will definitely be there."

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