8) Homecoming

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I woke up and Aliyah wasn't beside me anymore. She's probably taking a shower.

I was about to get up when the door swung open.
It was Aliyah carrying a tray with a cup of hot coffee and scrambled eggs.

"Goodmorning sunshine!" She placed the tray on my lap. "Breakfast in bed."

"I still wanna get some rest." I mumbled.

"Mike's driving today."

"Oh....what time is it?" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"12...now get some food in your system." She smiled and brought a spoonful of scrambled eggs in my mouth.

"Have your parents contacted you or anything?" I said, taking another spoonful.

"Uhhh....I told them that I'm coming home late. Also, I left my SIM card at home so they wouldn't be able to track my device. Plus, I left my friend block out all the GPS-tracking-stuff so that they'll have 0% chance of finding me.... He's a hacker."

"Oohhhh you're bad," I teased. "But very clever though...."

She brushed her hair aside and gave me a half-hearted smile. "I hate myself for not feeling bad when I do these things."

I decided to leave her in silence till she got up and started packing. I can't send her back even though I could go to jail because of this. I love her and it's crazy!


The three of us headed to the airport. Mike helped Aliyah with her bag and Tre got her guitar while I arranged all the paperworks needed. Aliyah copied her parent's signature and put fake cell numbers. We successfully got through all the questions.


Finally, we're here on the plane. Gonna head home, now. It's a new life for me. Aliyah rested her head on my shoulders and shut her eyes. I soon slept peacefully by the window.

I wonder what'll Adie say about her. We'd never had a daughter before so things won't be the same anymore.


"Billie....Billie....." A heard a voice say. "We're here."

Gosh, I might have been really tired. I slept through the whole trip!


We got off the plane and went straight to the limo that had been waiting for us. The driver dropped us off at the studio, unloaded some of our stuff and zoomed off.
Mike and Tre picked up their cars and drove home.
I got mine and headed to my house with Aliyah.

She clutched her bag nervously and fumbled with the zipper.

"Hey," I coaxed. "They'll like you, don't you worry."
She gave me an unconvincing smile.


We drove in silence. I feel like I'm gonna puke my heart out any minute now. My head is pounding and my vision's a bit blurred.

Would the rest of the Armstrong family accept me? I mean, I'm a nobody. Plus they're not expecting any company....
Or do they?

"Billie," I said, breaking the silence. "Does your family know that I came along with you?"

Billie pursed his lips. "Mmm...yeah, they know."

I don't know if that's gonna make me feel any better.
Soon after, we finally arrived at Billie's home. The car stopped and Billie turned of the engine.

My eyes were fixed on the dashboard. "Aliyah," he said. "It's going to be alright." He gave me a kiss on the cheek, got out of his car, and opened the door for me.
Gosh, what a gentleman. Adie is very very lucky to have a man like Billie.

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