22) Close Call

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Aliyah grabbed her towel and covered her parts.

"Jaaaakkoobbb," I started. "I- I- I can explain." I got off of Aliyah and covered myself with a blanket.

His face contorted to a look of disgust. "What the fuck, dad?!"

Aliyah walked up to Jakob calmly. "Jakob, you do know that this isn't real, right?"

"What the-"

Then Aliyah pinched his neck with so much force he collapsed to the floor.

"What the fuck did you do to him?!" I ran to Jakob.

"Relax, he's only sleeping. I cut the blood flow that leads to his brain thus making him pass out."

"Nerd," I muttered under my breath.

"Hey, you're lucky I am." She snapped. "Now let's put Jakob to bed."


After carrying Jakob to bed, Aliyah instructed, "change his clothes."

"What?" I asked, confused. "Why?"

Aliyah gave me a look like I was the dumbest person in the world. "So that we can convince him that it's just a dream."


"And make sure to scatter his clothes on the floor a little bit, alright?"


"Ugh, just do what I said."

Aliyah left the room to give us some privacy.

I changed Jakob's clothes and scattered them on the floor as Aliyah had said.
I hope this works.


I walked out the room and found Aliyah sitting on a nearby chair, bouncing her feet up and down - the gesture that obviously shows that she's thinking.

"Hey." I said.

"Did you change his clothes?"


"Did you scatter his clothes on the floor?"


Aliyah exhaled heavily. "That was close."

We shared a look then laughed hysterically.

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