37) The End?

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After two weeks of practice, I'm finally here on stage with my three heroes.

I had fun playing with them a lot. I've been daydreaming about this very moment! No words in the english dictionary can express my happiness right now.

Billie let me play his solo, sing his songs, and even let me stage dive.
This is Heaven.

Sometimes the wrong path leads you to the right one...



The spotlight searched the crowd when I saw a glimpse of a man on the very top of the concert ground with a sniper rifle. I followed it's muzzle and found that it was pointed at Billie.

I didn't say another word. I ran to Billie, hoping that I could save him from the bullet.

I slammed my body against his but a sharp pain shot through my chest.

The crowd gasped. Billie and I fell to the ground.
I can't move a muscle. Black circles danced around me. I can feel my head throb.


"Aliyah?" I said, dumbfounded.
She began to gasp for air.

I saw a crimson splotch on her white shirt.
"No! No! No!" I cried.

I cradled her in my arms while I heard somebody call 911.

Aliyah wanted to tell me something but she can't force the words out.
She winces in pain every time she gasps for air.

"Stay with me...stay with me," I whispered to her.

A tear trickled down her cheek. Still, Aliyah can't say a word.

She managed to give me a sweet smile before shutting her eyes.

"No! Don't leave! Please!" I begged, even though I know that she can't hear me.

The medic carried her in a stretcher and rushed her to the ambulance.

She didn't even get the chance to say goodbye...
She didn't get the chance to say what she wanted to say...
I wasn't able to give her one last kiss...
I wasn't able to tell her that she means so much to me...

Why didn't I take the chance to tell her that...

I love her..

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