26) The Bakery Bitch

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Billie allowed me to bring two bouncers and they drove me to the bakery.

Upon reaching it, I saw them seated outside the store. I put my shades on and got out of the car.

My 'bodyguards' parked the car at the corner of the street.

I remained silent and sat across them. Mom started to get teary-eyed while dad hung on to his look of disapproval.

I raised my eyebrows to say 'now what?'. "Take those off," said my dad.

I wanted to protest but I'm still afraid of my dad. I took it off without another word.

"What were you thinking?!" He bellowed.
Glad we're the only ones out here.

"I was thinking of how to get out of that hell hole," I said, putting on my poker face.

Dad scoffed. "You think you can handle yourself?!"

"Well, I earn my own money, I buy my own clothes, I buy my own food, I have a good career...sooo yeah. I think I can handle myself."

My dad almost swung his fist at me if weren't for my mom, who stopped him.
"Do you think your 'career' will last long enough to keep you going? Have you ever thought about that?" She said.

"My passion for music is enough to keep me going. It's what I hold on to. This is what I wanted. This is my life!"

"There are 'ifs' in life, Aliyah. But I can guarantee your success if you'll come back home with us."

"'If' I'll come back home," I shot back.

"You can have a brighter future there."

"A brighter future that you only want," I muttered.

"It's for your own good..."

I slammed my hand on the table. "Isn't this enough? Look at me! I love what I do! I inspire people! I can travel the whole world if I wanted! Aren't you even proud of me?!"
Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Aliyah," mom said with hurt in her eyes. "You don't understand..."

"I don't understand what?" I asked, frustrated.

"This will only last for a short time, Aliyah."

I stood up from my seat. "If you can't accept what I love...then just get the fuck out of my life."
I walked away feeling proud of myself than guilty. They deserve it.

Surprisingly, dad didn't even move an inch as I approached the car.
I got inside, slammed the door shut, and cried.
"We can go now," I sobbed.

One of my bodyguards nodded then drove off.


After a few minutes, I reached Adeline.

I ran back to Billie with tears streaming down my cheeks like a waterfall.
I hugged him tightly.

"What happened?" Billie lowered his face to mine.

"Why can't they appreciate what I've done for these past few months?" I rested my head on his chest.

"Don't let them pull you down, okay?" I tried my best to comfort her. "Let's forget about it."

"What if they'll accuse you for kidnapping me or...whatevs?"

I been thinking about that for a while, but I can't seem to find an answer yet. "I...I don't know."

"Have you even talked to Adrienne about this?" Aliyah wiped her tears.

My heart raced. "She....she doesn't know."

Her eyes widened. "Doesn't know what?"

"She doesn't know that you ran away," I admitted. "Joey and Jakob knew but I told them not to say a word to Adie about it."


"Because she gets frantic sometimes..."

Aliyah paced. "What are we gonna do?"

"Honestly, I don't really know."

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