12) Studio

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I woke up the next day and remembered that I'm gonna take Aliyah to the studio.

I took a quick shower, got dressed, and headed to Aliyah's room to wake her up.

To my surprise, her bed was already made and she was nowhere to be seen. I rushed downstairs only to see her all ready for today's agenda.

"Morning, Billie." Aliyah greeted me with a tender smile. "Breakfast?"

A salad garnished with cucumbers, lettuce, and tomato was laid on the table. "G'morning, honey." Adrienne said, giving me a kiss.

Aliyah smiled at us and I felt really bad for them both...including me. I have an affair with a girl who's years younger than me and our love's true. But I'm doing it behind my wife's back...whom I also love in the same way.
Again, I am so fucked up.

I mentally slapped myself and put my smile back on.

"I see that you're ready." I said, looking at her from head to toe.

"I take my future career seriously," she simply said. "Being a future musician isn't just fun and games."

I like how she acts so mature when it comes to these. You could see that she wants it because she just does and not only because she wants fame and money.

I joined them on the table and sooner or later, my two other boys came. "Morning dad," they said groggily. "Morning lil' sis." They mussed Aliyah's straight, chopped hair.

"Mmormning," Aliyah greeted them back through her salad.

After we ate, Aliyah and I drove to the studio. There, we saw Mike and Tre.


Without further ado, we set up the room for Aliyah to play.
Her voice was pure and filled with passion. It sounds angelic. I can feel myself fall for her again like the first time I laid my eyes on her.

"Billie," Mike nudged me my rib. "Aliyah says she's okay now."

I looked back through the glass and saw her giving me a thumbs up.

"Ohh...uhhh...okay." I hit the stop button.


We went recording for hours till it's already 7 in the evening.

"Okay, that's a wrap!" Tre stretched. "Girl, we'll need you in a Green Day song someday."

"Yeah, that'd be awesome." Mike concurred.

Aliyah failed to hide her euphoria. We said our goodbyes and headed home.

"Thanks a lot, Billie." She said as we got out of the car.

"No problemo," I said while unlocking the door.

Adie, Joey, and Jakob were already at the table, eating. They asked us to join them but Aliyah and I were too tired to so we both went to our rooms and passed out.

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