16) A Moment with Mike

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When I came to my senses, I found myself tucked in my bed.
How the fuck did I get here?

My hand flew to my neck expecting my locket. It's gone.
Oh shit! What the drizz...

I panicked and sat up. I frantically scanned the room until I found it lying placidly on my bedside table.
Phew! Thank gawd!

I checked the time and it read 10:27.
Ohmygosh! I'm late for work! Why didn't Billie wake me up?

I immediately took a vey quick shower, threw on a simple shirt with a pair of jeans, grabbed my pack, and ran downstairs.

"Woah, woah, woah...easy there." A voice said. I turned to see Billie holding up a cup of coffee in his bathrobe. "Where you off to?"

"Uhmmm...studio? Like the usual."

"But it's your day off," he said, taking a sip. "It's Green Day's turn to play."

"Oh...uhhh....can I come then?"

"Sure," he said with a smile.

I patiently waited for Billie to get ready then headed off to the studio.


"Hey!" Mike greeted us. "You ready?" He told Billie.

"Yep...Oh! Uhhh...if you don't mind, Aliyah would like to watch us play."

"Oh no, we don't mind! It's fine come on!" Mike led us to the recording room.

When we got there, we found Tre dancing around to loud party music.

"Alright, Tre that's enough." Mike scolded.

Tre turned off the music with a childish frown on his face.

"So, how do you start?" I asked.

"Well," Mike started. "First, Billie gets to write whatever he wants while Tre and I do whatever we want."


"Then after Billie finishes the song, he teaches us what notes to hit so that we could play all together."

I nodded.

He turned to Billie then said, "do your thing, man."

"Yeah, be right back." They did a little handshake and Billie left the room.

"So, what do you wanna do, now?" Mike asked.

"I dunno," I said. "Whatever you would like to do."

"Hey, Mike!" Tre interrupted. "I'm gonna go to Guitar Center and see if they already have my new set."

"Alright, sure."

"Do you wanna come with?"


"Alrighty, then...Bye!" Tre shut the door then left.

"Well," I sighed. "Guess it's just you and me."

"Yep," I said, popping my ps.

How do I start a conversation with a girl? I know that she's okay with me asking questions but...what to ask?

"So..uhhh...umm..uhh." I stammered. Argh, fail.

I managed to ask soon, "how are you and Billie?"

"We're fine," she said a little too fast.

"Do you see him as a dad, now?"

"Uhhh..." Aliyah's cheeks flushed. "I-I-I don't know...."

"What do you mean?"

"I-I-I..." she shrugged. "I don't see him as my dad....he's just a special person."

"Like a friend?"

"More than friends...."

"Close friend?"

"No, not really....not like that."

"Sooo....more than a close friend?"


What's more than a close friend?
What, a lover?
But that couldn't be, right?

I flew off topic a little bit. "So...what do you think of Adrienne?"

"She's very nice," she smiled. Aliyah's smile reminded me of Adrienne. They look alike...in some way.

"You look like Adrienne," I complimented her. "You remind me of her."

She smiled. "Billie says so, too."

We remained silent for a while until a random thought crossed my mind.

"Hey, Aliyah?"


"Isn't it awkward to live with a band member of Green Day?"

She bit her lip. "Mmmmm.......no, not really."
"The Armstrong family is easy to get along with."

"Not that....uhhhh...ummm...how do I say this," I stammered. "Like....awkward because..."


I scratched my head. "Mm, y'know cause like...you 'like' Billie so...uhmmm...isn't it awkward living with him now?"

Aliyah stifled a laugh, "ohhh...you meant 'that'."


"Mmm," her cheeks were red. "No, it isn't awkward."

Billie suddenly walked back to the room. "Mike! Buy me some lunch, pweaseee!"

"Sure, man!"

I asked Aliyah if she would like to come.
"Yeah, sure." She said.


We headed to the nearest Italian family resto and went up to the counter.
Aliyah and I ordered.

"Anything else, sir?" The woman asked.
I remembered that we're supposed to order Billie's.
I forgot to ask him!
What was his 'usual' again??
I'm so stupid!

"Uhhh...uhhhh," I tried to order for Billie.

"One vegetarian lasagna please," Aliyah cut in.

"Drinks ma'am?" The woman asked.

"Rootbeer, please." She said politely.

Soon after, we got our orders and left. As we got inside the car, I asked Aliyah. "How did ya know?"

"Know what?" She asked, rummaging through the bags.

"Billie's favorite." I said.
How could she know that?
And she remembered it first than I did.

"Mmm..." She said, not looking up to face me. "I'm a fan, remember?" She chuckled.

"Oh yeeaaahh, right..."

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