31) No Escape

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I woke up on a hospital bed and remembered my last memory.
What the hell? I survived that?
Guess God doesn't want me to die yet.

My eyes searched the room and found Billie with his face buried in his hands at a corner.
He sat there, fingers shaking.

"Billie," I managed, sounding a little hoarse.

He quickly looked up at me and rose from his seat.
He rushed to the side of my bed and planted kisses on my face.
"How the hell were you able to live?," he said.

"I don't know." I let out a little laugh.

"The doctors said that you can make it...I was just waiting for you to wake up."
He wrapped his arms around me.

We stayed like that for a moment then he let go.

"Where's Adie?...And Joey?...And Jakob?" I asked. "Are they alright?"

"Yeah they're fine," he said, "they're outside actually."

"Why didn't you let them come in here?"

He gave me a shy smile. "Because....I said that I wanted some 'privacy'."

"Psssh.." I rolled my eyes.
He chuckled.

"I missed you," he said then gave me a long and romantic kiss.
"See," he said in a sing-song manner. "If they were here, I couldn't have done that."
"Told you we need some privacy..."

I rolled my eyes, again.

A thought came up in my mind.
"Hey Billie," I started.


"Where are my parents?"

His expression darkened.

"Billie, what's wrong?" I asked, but he remained silent.
"Billie, what the hell is going on?!"

"You still need to go home!" He sputtered.


Billie's voice quavered. "Aliyah, we lost...there's nothing I can do about it."
"You still need to come back home with them."

I felt like someone punched me in the gut.
This is so unfair!
Why is life doing this to me?
Why does life keep on taking all of the things that I love?
Will somebody please tell me why?!

Billie wiped my tears. "We're gonna see each other, again."

"That's not gonna happen anymore..." I sobbed, burying my face on his chest.

"We will see each other again, Aliyah...I just know it."


"I don't know...but when we do, I will never let you go again."


A couple of days have passed and the doctors allowed me to go out already.
I've never seen Billie since then.

I lethargically walked to my dad's car that was waiting for me at the parking lot.
"Bold move...idiot." He growled as soon as I got in the car.

I would've taken the 'idiot' as a compliment (if you know what I mean).

I silently cried all throughout the trip.


We arrived back at home and the place seemed to mock me.
I've been dying not to see this piece of shit again.
Hell, I jumped out of a damn car just for this!

I stepped on the friggin porch and memories flashed back in my head.

My mom unlocked the door and we all went inside.

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