Chapter 1

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A/N All of the characters are in frat boy era

        This is like the real first chapter so vote if you like it please

         We're also getting some Ziam in this chapter BHFUISGEUGB

Louis POV

I hop into my car and start the ignition. It is already dark outside, so my headlights shine brightly.  I buckle my seatbelt and then start to drive to Liam's house. I figure Zayn's probably already there, so there's no need to hurry. There's definitely something going on there, although, anytime I confront them about it Zayn just laughs and says that its stupid and Liam looks at him like he's hurt.

I know for a fact that Zayn definitely has feelings for Liam though, he told me last year. Tomorrow we're entering our senior year of high school. I really need to get them together because I can't stand them checking each other out when they think no one's looking.

In around then minutes, I turn onto Liam's street and sure enough, Zayn's car is sitting in the driveway. I pull into the driveway and hop out of the car. I walk up to the door and knock. I hear a scrambling inside and someone struggling to open the door. Liam open's the door a crack, only letting his face be visible and gasps. His eyes are wide.

"Louis!" Now his whole head pops out of the door and his hair is disheveled.

"Liam, is that a hickey!?"

"Wait what no!" he exclaims, but his hand moves up to cover his neck. My eyes widen. I open my mouth to say something, but get interrupted by Zayn.

"Babeee! Who's at the door?" Liam's face turns into a deep shade of red. My hand immediately flies to my mouth. We stand in silence for a minute before Zayn comes busting towards the door in nothing but his boxers. His jaw drops when he sees me. 

"Liam, would you open the door and let me in its fucking raining, you know." Liam nods his head, but his mind seems to be somewhere else. I step in and walk down the hall to the living room, smirking as I step over discarded clothing. I lean on the wall and cross my arms as Zayn and Liam keep their heads down as they pull back on their clothing. 

"Now, my dearest friends, do you have something you would like to tell me?"

"Um, well"

"Spit it out"


"Liam, could you please slow down? I can't read your mind so I kinda have to know what you're saying" Liam takes a deep breath in and starts talking.

Liam Flashback POV

I sat down in my grassy backyard and stared at the goal that I had been practicing on. Of course, Louis is way better than me, but I still want to beat him on our little scrimmage that we have each Friday. So, what better time to train without him than when he's away. I know how much football means to him, so its not like I want to take his spot or whatever, but it would be nice to get just a little bit of recognition from Coach on tryouts.

I lean to the side and grab the football again. I set myself up for a penalty kick.  I step back a few feet and hope for the best as I take a few steps forwards and my foot collides with the ball. I open my eyes just as I hit it, and can already tell that the kick was off. Just as this realization his, I hear the unwanted clang of the ball hitting the bar. The ball bounces back and hits me straight in the face.

I stumble to the ground and put my hand over my eye. 


"Hey Payno!" Aw shit. Just what I need right now. A boy with tan skin and black hair walks up to me. Did I say boy? I think I meant angel. 

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