Chapter 37

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!!! bottomlinson !!!


Louis POV

I wake up to an empty bed. I jerk up, glancing around the room. Niall is curled up on his bed, and Liam and Zayn are cuddled up on their bed. I glance around the room for Harry, slightly worried. I hear the toilet flush and I let out a sigh of relief, rubbing my hand over my face. Harry walks out of the bathroom, smiling at me when he sees me awake. I hold out my arms for a hug. He moves forwards, stepping into my arms.

"Ti amo," Harry whispers against my neck. I grin widely, pressing a kiss to his bare shoulder. He pulls away, grabbing my hand to pull me out of the bed. 

"Let's wake them up," I whisper. Harry raises his eyebrows, and I raise mine in return. We both jump onto Zayn and Liam's bed, jumping up and down on it.

"Good Morning, Good morning, You've slept the whole night through! Good Morning, Good Morning to you!" We sing, quoting the movie we watched a few days ago, Singin' In The Rain. Harry grabs hold of my hand as we jump up and down. And then Niall is joining us with his guitar, singing along. 

Liam rolls over, but Zayn stays right where he is, sleeping soundly. Harry and I stop for a minute, looking at Zayn with defeated looks.

"Wake the fuck up!" Niall yells loudly. Liam sits up, a scowl on his face. Niall looks at Liam with wide eyes, shrugging as innocently as he can. Liam kicks Zayn, who doesn't even lift his head slightly.

We all sigh, getting off of the bed. Harry jumps off of the bed before me, and I look at him with crossed arms. He sighs, turning around. I smile, getting onto his back. I kiss his neck, giggling as he carries me into the bathroom.

I slide off of his back, shutting the door behind us. I make sure to lock it, I don't want someone walking in on us. Harry slides off his boot, and then his sweatpants and boxers. I look him up and down, smirking at his bare body. I undress slowly in front of him, letting him watch me. 

Harry starts the water of the shower, stepping in. I step in behind him, smashing my lips against his almost immediately. He kisses me back with just as much passion, his lips working against mine quickly. 

"Fuck me, Harry," I moan against his lips, pressing myself closer to him. His large hands cup my ass, squeezing it. I whimper, letting him shove his tongue into my mouth. He explores my whole mouth as he has many times before, tasting every inch of it over and over again. I slip down towards the ground, pulling Harry down on top of me. 

"Do you- Do you want it on your back or your stomach?" Harry asks, his wet curls falling into my face. 

"I wanna see you," I breathe out. He nods his head, his shaky hands moving to my hair. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, leaning down and connecting out lips again.

"T-Tell me if it hurts," Harry mumbles, moving his lips across my face and down to my neck. He nibbles, licking and sucking to create a love bite on my neck. He pulls away for a minute, looking at me with wide eyes.

"D-Does it hurt really bad?" I ask. Harry shakes his head, kissing my lips. I nod my head, squeezing my eyes shut. Harry slips his long finger into me, and I scrunch my face up slightly. He slips in another finger, pushing the two fingers up farther. I feel his lips on mine again, kissing me slowly. 

"Are you sure you want to?" Harry asks. I nod my head immediately, watching him pull his finger out of me. He shakes it, lifting it so he can cup my cheek. His lips move against mine faster this time, and tongue is added sooner than it has in past kisses.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now