Chapter 20

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Louis POV

I tap my pencil against the desk, trying to clear my mind of the boy with the curls. I bite my lip softly as I stare at the blank piece of paper in front of me. God, Harry looked amazing. My thoughts are filled with the boy, I mean, he was a great fuck; you can't blame me for that.

I look around the room to see that class clearing out. I frown, I must've missed the bell. I tug Harry's shirt higher on my neck, trying to hide the hickey's that litter my neck. Liam is frowning when he comes over to me. 

"Are you okay, mate?" He asks. I look up to him and scramble out of my seat, swallowing thickly and nodding. "You sure, you look like a wreck."

"My self esteem just boosted, thank you for that," I deadpan and walk out of the classroom, trying to stay in front of him. I look down the hall at Harry, who limps to his locker. I smirk at him and raise my eyebrows. He sticks up the middle finger up in response. The smirk stays on my face as I pull open my locker. 

Liam eventually catches up to me, with his hand intertwined with Zayn's. Liam sighs at my smug expression, "Who did you shag this time?"

"No one," I try to say casually, but I can feel myself tense up. Liam narrows his eyes at me but still nods his head. 

"Come on, we have to go to lunch," I say, pushing past them and towards the lunch room. Liam frowns, but Zayn just shrugs his shoulders. When I arrive in the lunch room, Harry is trying to sit down. I smirk as he winces when his bum hits the seat. He glares at me again so I give him a cheeky smile and a wink. 

I rush into the lunch line to get my food before sitting at my regular table. Gigi, Max, Ben, and Bella are already sitting down. Gigi and Bella seem to be trying to avoid eye contact with me. Liam and Zayn follow me to the table, Zayn sitting on one side of me while the other seat is left empty. 

"Did you see Kendall?" Gigi asks me.

"No, why?"

"Well, she seems to be spreading something around about Harry. No one believes her, of course," She adds, taking a bite of her salad. I nod my head and glance towards Harry again. He's laughing at something, but the rest of the table is giving him unimpressed looks. I pull out my phone.

L: Whats so funny

I look back up at Harry, who has yet to stop laughing. I shake my head as I watch him pull out his phone. He looks up at me from across the cafeteria.

Harry: why are you looking at me

I'm not really sure what the answer to that is, so I decide to change the subject.

L: hows the limp working for ya

Harry looks back at me through the curls that have fallen into his eyes and shakes his head.

Harry: ...

L: Thats what i thought

Harry: well maybe if you hadnt fucked me three times

L: says the one who begged for round three

Harry: you begged for round two you dick

L: Shut up

Harry: Make me

I gulp, not really wanting to have to type out how exactly I am going to do that. Liam is nudging my shoulder when I look up from my phone. I look around and everyone at the table is looking at me expectantly.


"We said, are you ready for the game Sunday?"

"Oh, oh yeah," I reply, trying to exit the conversation. My eyes trail to where Harry who smirks at me. When I glance back towards my friends, everyone at the table is still looking at me.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now