Chapter 28

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here we go again


It may or may not be because this is chapter 28

I also want to thank you guys for 1.5k read I really didn't think anyone would read this:)




Louis POV

"How long are you going to be on these crutches for?" I ask Harry. He leans against a locker beside mine, waiting for me to finish getting my stuff for the next class. I grab my books and tuck them under my arm.

"They'll be off by the tournament, but my leg will still be in a cast."

"Am I allowed to fuck you?" I ask, pouting out my bottom lip. Harry rolls his eyes at me, pushing my locker door shut.

"You're so fucking needy," He laughs, hitting me with one of his crutches.

"Stop annoying me, you dickhead. I'm helping you," I laugh. Harry rolls his eyes at me, handing me his books. The halls have emptied out, but since Harry is injured no one cares if he's late. I had my schedule adjusted so it's the exact same as his so I can help him around. 

"You can if you want to," Harry eventually responds. A smile spreads across my face as I press a short kiss to his cheek. Harry stops moving and turns to face me.

"You fucking missed."

"You're so bloody cheesy, Styles."

"I'm not moving until you get it right you fucking dick," Harry answers. I roll my eyes fondly, standing on my tiptoes and placing a small kiss on his lips.

"Is that good enough for you?"

"No," Harry responds, pouting his plump lips. He gives me puppy eyes as he looks at me. 

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but I can't exactly do anything to you when you're on crutches."

"You can to!"

"You're a bloody child."

"Okay, daddy," Harry says. My jaw drops as he moves away from me quickly. I jog forward to catch up with him. My mind races with thoughts of what he just said. He just called me fucking daddy.

"What did you just say, Styles?" I ask, tugging on his arm lightly. He turns and looks at me with large eyes.

"Sorry, daddy. I won't do it again."

"Shut-" I run my hand through my hair, "What... I-" Harry raises his eyebrows at me. I struggle to control my breathing as a small stand of hair falls into his face. He licks his lips seductively. "We can't... we will be talking about this after class," I stutter, grabbing his arm. I lead him to the classroom.

Harry walks on his crutches behind me. I open the door to the classroom for him, letting him walk through the doorway before I let myself through. The teacher, Miss. Berkley sends us a strict look as we move to our seats in the back of the classroom. I help Harry sit down, allowing him to hold onto my arm as he adjusts himself.

The desks are very close together in the classroom, so I am practically on Harry's lap when I sit down. Harry reaches towards my desk, his fingers tracing the back of my hand. He eventually flips my hand so the palm is facing the air and places his hand in mine. I blush, turning my head towards the whiteboard in an attempt to hide the red tint on my cheeks from Harry. Harry taps my shoulder, handing me a note. 

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now