Chapter 14

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Louis POV

I pull out my phone a few minutes after it vibrates. It shows an email from Coach, explaining that he wasn't able to make it to tryouts because of a few family issues. The tryouts will be rescheduled for tonight.

I glance across the cafeteria at Harry and Kendall. Harry had called me last night, explaining part of it. He also said that I had no right to be jealous, I don't belong to him. I knew that, obviously.

Harry catches my eyes and sends a smirk my way. I just scowl, watching as he rubs against the girl's thighs as she sits on his lap. I shake my head, rejoining the conversation that Liam and Zayn are having.

"No, that makes no sense!"

"Yes it does, you're obviously just strong."

"No I think you're weak."

"What the fuck are you two talking about."

"If you punch yourself and it hurts, are you strong or weak."

"Why the fuck are you talking about that?"

"Well what would you rather talk about?"

"Whatever, just continue on with your childish conversation. In the meantime, I will be using the loo," I say, standing up from the table. I walk to the bathroom and do my business. I go over to the sink to wash my hands when the door gets pushed open.

"You think Kendall will be next?"

"Nah, she's too needy."

"Yeah, but he hasn't had a good fuck in awhile."

"Styles doesn't have a schedule, it really depends on his mood," The boy replies. I shiver at the mention of Harry's name. The other boy agrees, nodding his head, and looking up to me and giving me a small smile.

They leave as I stare at myself in the mirror. I look at the shirt that I have pinned up to cover the love bites that scatter my whole body. I rip the pin off, unleashing all of the purplish marks for the world to see. I throw the pins into the trash before heading back to the cafeteria.

I feel a hundred eyes on my neck as I walk into the cafeteria. Some girls come up to me, asking where I got them from. Unbothered, I shake them off before walking back to my table.

"Who the hell gave you those?" Zayn hisses.

"If I wanted to tell you, I would," I replied, giving him a small smile before taking a sip of my water.

"Come on, Lewis," Liam says, nudging my elbow.

"Why should I tell you again?"

"Because we're your best friends for fucks sake!"


"What do you mean 'eh'?"

"I don't think I'll tell you."

"Whatever, Lewis," Zayn says, rolling his eyes. He rests his head back onto Liam's shoulder and I give them a small smirk. Liam smiles back at me while Zayn flips me off. My phone vibrates on the desk, and I ignore it. After a few buzzes, Zayn looks at me, annoyed.

"Are you going to answer it or what?"

"Yes, Zen," I sigh and pull out my phone. I try (and fail) to suppress a smile when I see the name on the screen.

Harry: I see that you're letting everyone see my marks;)

Harry: You look hot over there

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now