Chapter 26

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Sorry for all of the POV changes in advance

Warning for Abuse

Louis POV

I pull Harry's sweatshirt on, flicking my hair as I look at myself in the mirror. I straighten out my clothes, examining my outfit for wrinkles (since I had been wearing the sweatshirt non-stop since Liam handed it to me)

I haven't interacted with Harry for five days, and I really miss him. I don't know if I should, but I do nonetheless. I nod at my reflection quickly before dashing out the door of my room. I pick up my backpack that is heavy from my school books. Shailene waves at me as I enter the living room. I give her a small smile back as I grab a granola bar.

"I'm going straight into school today!" I announced to her. She smiles at me.

"Why would that be?"

"Football, actually," I reply, "I have to get a few things set up since we only have a few games left." Shailene nods her head. I wave at her again before opening the front door and walking to my car. I look at my eyes in the rearview mirror. The redness of my eyes has faded away since the initial day of crying my eyes out.

I turn down Niall's street, hoping to just get a small glance of Harry. I clutch the steering wheel harder as I spot two figures walking down the sidewalk. Niall tries to engage with Harry, but Harry leaves his head tilted down to the ground.

Niall spots me and smiles, waving largely. He elbows Harry and gestures up towards me. Harry looks up towards me, his bloodshot eyes meeting my blue eyes. He sends me a pleading look, but I just shake my head at him. I speed up the car, allowing it to dash down the street.

I run a hand through my hair, pressing a foot down on the breaks. I clutch the steering wheel, banging my head against it.

"Fuck," I whisper, my forehead still resting on the steering wheel. I slowly lift my head back up towards the road, pressing down on the gas lightly. I drive to Zayn's huge house, pressing down on the breaks as I get to the large house. The white front door opens and Zayn steps out, with Liam on his back. My heart drops and I shut my eyes.

As soon as my eyes press shut, images of Harry flood my brain. I press my lips together tightly, remembering his dimples earlier during the week. I really thought that he might like me.

In my thoughts, taking a few days to take a break from him. In that time, I had assumed that the feelings would fade away and I could go back to him; even if it was just for a 'free fuck.'

I guess maybe that's what it always was; no matter what I ever wanted it to be when I had laid awake in bed all through the night.

I get snapped out of my daze as Zayn opens the passenger seat door, surprising me. He would usually have gone into the backseat with Liam. Liam climbs into the middle in the backseat, looking at me with a funny look in his eyes.

"Mate, are you doing okay?" Zayn asks. I look towards him with wide eyes, trying to ignore the lump in the bottom of my throat.

"No," I say quietly, forcing out a smile. As soon as I have let the smile fade away, I bite down on my bottom lip. I will not let the tears fall out even though they threaten to fall with every thought that swirls through my mind.

"Lou," Liam breathes out. "I don't think that's all you were to Harry."

"Why would he say it then?" I reply quietly. Liam purses his lips together. Zayn sends me a short, pitiful look while I turn on the car.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now