Chapter 18

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Harry POV

I sprint as fast as I can; suddenly grateful for Louis pushing us to run before practice each day. My heart pounds in my chest and my shoes slap against the cold concrete. I let my feet guide me as I try to escape from Mike.

I debate in my head whose house is the closest to here before I turn down Louis' street. He should understand, and Niall's house is too far away.

I pant as I knock on the door. I shift my feet as I wait for the door to be opened. Louis shows up soon, shirtless. His hair sticks up in random places as he flicks it away from his eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing here? It's the middle of the night?" He scolds, not allowing me any space to sneak into the house. 

"I wouldn't be here if I had a choice," I snarl back. Louis looks me up and down. When he looks back at me, his eyes are narrowed.

"What the hell are you here for?"

"H-He is chasing me," I stutter out, raising my head to meet Louis' eyes. He nods stiffly before opening the door enough so that I can step in. He pushes it shut slowly behind me and locks it shut.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" He asks when he turns back towards me. 

"Can... Can I just stay here tonight?" I ask timidly, lowering my head towards the floor. I don't want to go back home tonight. Louis rolls his eyes at me before answering,

"Fine, but don't try anything. There isn't a guest room so you're sleeping with me," He points his finger at me sternly. I huff and nod my head; not eager to share a bed with him. "And be quiet , for fuck's sake, my sisters are sleeping."

He grabs my arm and roughly pulls me up the creaky staircase. I try my best to not make any noise as I stumble behind Louis. He tightens his grip on my arm and pulls me into his room, shutting the door behind him. He climbs into bed and pulls the sheets over his head.



"I need something to wear," I say. He pulls the sheets down from his head and looks at me. 

"The dresser is over there," He informs, pointing his finger towards an old dresser. I nod my head and try to find clothes that will fit me. I peel off my wet shirt and pull a drawer open. I find the biggest pair of shorts and step into them before climbing into the bed next to Louis.

"Stay on your own side of the bed, Styles," Louis murmurs against his pillow. I smile softly as I allow my eyes to watch his face. I watch him until he has fallen asleep, huffing out cute breaths. I smile and kiss his nose before drifting off to sleep beside him.

Louis POV

I awake, opening my eyes to the morning light. I try to roll over, but I am unable to because of a strong arm wrapped around me. I glance towards the arm and freeze when I realize that it is Harry's.

"Harry," I hiss. He grunts at me. I turn around to face him and poke his cheek. He says something inaudible and pulls me closer to him.

"Harry we have to go to school."

"I'on wan' to,"  He mutters against my hair as he wraps another arm around me. I open my mouth to respond when the door is suddenly pushed open. Lottie stands in the doorway with wide eyes.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now