Chapter 31

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edit: it's just fan videos smh

edit: we've been played

edit: give us a selfie louis




Louis POV

Harry sits on my lap as I play FIFA with Lottie. He's been a little... clingy lately. Not that I mind, of course, it's really nice having him around. Lottie throws her controller at the wall, standing up in frustration.

"This game is so stupid!"

"Because you lost?" I ask with raised eyebrows. She rolls her eyes at me, stomping away, "I'm taking that as a yes then," I call to her as she walks away.

"Whatever," She yells back. I hear her footsteps fade away as she dashes up the staircase. Harry slides off of my lap, moving so he is sitting right next to me.

"Give me your controller," he says, holding out his hand for it. I frown teasingly, and pull it back.

"No! Get your own."

"Your sister broke the other one," He argues. I sigh, standing up from the couch. I lean down to pick up the broken controller. I set it down on the coffee table. 

"Come on, it's time to do homework," I say, grabbing Harry's arm. He groans, sitting up and stumbling behind me. I bring him up the stairs and into my room. He jumps up onto me, causing me to stumble back onto the bed.

He moves his face to my neck, kissing it up and down. He nips at my neck, creating small love bites. He kisses my jaw, moving his hand down and palming me.

"Harry," I moan. He smiles softly, looking up towards me and pressing our lips together. He moves his hand towards my shirt, tugging on it. "We have homework, Harry." I say. I still press my lips up to his, flipping him over so that I'm on top. 

"It can wait," Harry whispers against my lips. I kiss him hungrily in response. He moans softly against my lips, pushing my hips closer towards him. My chest is flushed up against his, and I am surrounded with him.

Not just physically, but mentally as well. My mind repeats the same name over and over and over again. Harry, Harry, Harry. 

Harry's large hands wander below my shirt, landing on my chest. His hands rub against my bare skin as his tongue wanders through my mouth.

"Just take the shirt off, for fuck's sake," I mutter as he pulls away for a second. He nods his head, pulling my shirt off of my body. He leans up and captures our lips together as soon as the shirt is over my head. I reach over and grab a condom once all of our clothes are off.

I slip a finger into him, watching as his face scrunches up slightly. I watch his face change as I slip in the other finger.

"Louis," He whimpers, "I want you inside of me now."

"Okay, baby," I whisper huskily. I pull my fingers out, shaking them a little bit before putting on the condom. "You sure?"

"Get on with it, dickhead," He says, leaning up and kissing my lips quickly. I slip myself into him, and he bites his lip. I push a little further in, watching as Harry's eyes widen. 

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now