Chapter 13

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Louis POV

I continue scribbling words down on the paper. I look up when Ben, who sits beside me in this class, hands me a note.

'Ready for tryouts Tommo?'  Since my hand is sore from writing so much, I just nod my head at him, pocketing the note and smiling at him before writing the conclusion to my essay. I soon finish it up, and turn it in. Soon after, the bell rings and I rush out of the classroom, the rest of the team that is in that class following after me.

"See you later Tommo and Lima!" Zayn calls behind us, and we both spin on our heels, wave at him, and continue towards our lockers. I stuff my binder and notebook into the locker before rushing towards the locker room. 

Ben, Max, Liam, Ed, and I all walk into the locker room. We get changed quickly before heading out to the pitch. I sit down and start to stretch.

"Why are you mad with Styles today?" Ben asks after watching me glare and him as he walked out of the locker room. I look at him and tilt my head.

"Do I really need a reason?"

"Good point," Ben replies and I stand up. Now that my legs are stretched, I start running in place. Harry keeps staring at me, to which I flip him off for. He frowns after that, but slowly looks away. God, why won't he just leave alone?

"Hey Tommo!" Niall yells and jogs up to me, "You know when Coach is coming?"

"No, he's usually late anyway. Maybe ask Greg?" I suggest and Niall nods his head, running over to Greg, who sits by Ashton and Luke. 

Soon enough, Coach turns up, holding a clipboard in his hand.

"Okay Team! Some of you are entering your last season, but that does not mean that you gain anything. You will not be given special treatment for it being your last year. You must work hard in practice, or you will be on the bench in the games! Understood?" He says, projecting his voice loudly. The team nods. 

"Okay, good. Go run some laps!" He says, scribbling something down on his clipboard before pointing to me, "Tomlinson, you're going to run this practice, I have somewhere I need to be. Real tryouts are going to be tomorrow. Spread the news, yeah?"

"Okay, Coach!" I say, suppressing a grin. I see Harry glaring at me, and I raise my eyebrows at him. He stops running and walks up to me. I glance around, making sure that Coach was gone. Sure enough, he is already speeding away in his car.

"What the fuck was that?" Harry asks.

"Sorry darling, but I'm running this practice. So you will be running. Tut-tut," I finish, waving my hands towards the rest of the team.

"We can't run this much on the first practice, you'll fucking kill their legs!"

"They need to be in shape, Styles!"

"Yes, and in order to do that, they need to be able to walk."

"Piss off," I say to him, jogging over to the rest of the team.

"Wanker," he mutters before jogging behind me. 

"Ok boys, Coach can't be here today, so I'm just going to run a practice so you can get the feel of the game, yeah?" I yell, and some of the people leave, while others choose to stay. The team runs a few laps before we decide to practice on our footwork. I teach some of the new players some basic moves, while the Juniors and Seniors go on their own, dribbling the ball around and doing a few moves.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now