Chapter 34

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!! Homophobia !!




Louis POV

"Lewis hurry the fuck up!"

"Shut up, Harold," I yell, flicking my fringe to the side.

"Language!" My mother cries. I roll my eyes. I look at myself in the mirror, studying my face. I pick at my swollen lips, soon dropping my hands and lifting up Harry's sweatshirt. I smirk at the bruises on my hips. I tug it further, looking at the love bites that scatter my chest. I exhale deeply, dashing down the steps and pressing my lips against Harry's.

I pull away quickly, smiling at him and grabbing my suitcase. My mother stands by the door, watching the two of us.

"You have your wallet?"



"Yeah, mom. I have everything I need."


"Yes, Jay. I doubt we will be doing anything anyway," Harry says before I get the chance to respond. I pout at him, to which he flicks my nose. 

"Okay, thank you," My mother replies. She holds out her arm for a side hug. I step into her arms, smiling as she hugs me tightly, "If you make it to the last game, I'll be there."

"You may want to prepare for that, then," I say, throwing her a playful wink. She laughs.

"I will, have a good time!" She says, pushing me towards the car slightly. I smile, grabbing hold of Harry's hand, my suitcase in the other hand. Harry picks up his own suitcase, pushing it into the trunk. Harry slides his suitcase in behind mine. His backpack stays slung around his shoulder as he pushes the trunk shut.

"What's in there?"

"It's a surprise," Harry says, leaning down. I lean up, meeting him halfway. Our lips pressed together in a short, sweet kiss. Harry pulls away with a smile, shrugging his shoulders. He walks backwards until he gets to the edge of the car. 

He raises his eyebrows at me, dashing into my car. I let out a small laugh, sprinting to my car. I hop into the driver's seat, looking at Harry with wide eyes.

"I beat you," Harry says, a smug look on his face.

"You got a head start," I grumble, putting the car into reverse. I drive the car out of the driveway, glancing over at Harry.

"But I'm wearing a boot," He comments, "About that, I need to tell you something." He looks away from me, looking straight ahead instead. 

"Okay," I breathe out, looking back towards the road as well. I swallow, hoping that I don't look too worried.

"M-Mike was arrested for drunk driving. W-While drunk, h-he confessed everything. My mom is going into the police station. They needed me too, but it can wait."

I press on the breaks, pulling the car over. Harry looks at me with wide eyes, confused. 

"You need to be there."

"No, I'm going with you."

"Harry, come on. You are needed at the police station."

"I don't want to be there! In case you haven't figured it out yet, I don't want to go near that man ever again!"

"I understand that, but this is about putting this man in jail!"

"I want to be here with you!"

"Harry, for fuck's sake, I'm taking you to the police station," I sigh, putting my hands back on the steering wheel. A large hand clasps over my arm, squeezing hard. I wince looking towards Harry.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now