Chapter 30

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ajjajjaja hiii

thank you to louis in advance

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Warning: Violence, Abuse, mention of rape

Louis POV

Harry holds my hand tighter as he fumbles for his keys with his other hand. He's nervous, I can tell. I've been to his house before but I've never been inside of his house. He grabs the key with shaky hands and unlocks the door. Before he opens it, I turn his head towards mine.

"You okay?" I ask quietly. Harry nods his head softly. He looks so small when he is scared. I lean up and kiss his nose, "It'll be fine." He just squeezes my hand in response. He opens the door to his house. 

The house is dark, and even when he turns on the light, a dark vibe stays in it. The light flickers every few seconds, shadows stretching and shifting across the room as it does. Harry brings me into the next room; a dining room.

I exhale a deep breath when I see his mother sitting at the edge of the table, staring off into plain air. Her eyes are cloudy, almost as if she is deep in thought. Her face is littered with bruises, her clothes ripped and torn apart. 

It almost looks as if she isn't here, but in some other room. She doesn't acknowledge my presence in the room, nor Harry's.

Harry sighs when he sees her, stepping forward and looking into the coffee cup. He looks at me before placing it in my hand. The outside of the cup is freezing cold, and the inside empty. I look at her with worried eyes. 

His mom whimpers when the cup is out of her hands. She reaches her hand up slightly for the cup, but Harry shakes his head at her. Tears form in her eyes as she grabs out for the cup in my hand. 

Harry sighs once again, and grabs the cup from my hands, placing it into her hands again. She mumbles something inaudible, moving back into the same position. She 'sips' the coffee and sets it back down.

"Mum," Harry tries. His mother shows no reaction. He tries more forcefully, "Mum." 

"Louis, can you go to my room for a minute, I need to speak to her alone," He tells me, also instructing me about where his room is. I swallow, walking across the creaky hallway to Harry's room. 

His room isn't too messy, but neither is there much in it. I move to his dresser, searching through the drawers for a sweatshirt. I pull out a green sweatshirt and pull it on over my head. I sigh as I slump down onto his bed, staring at the peeling ceiling. 

Harry POV

I watch as Louis walks away from me and into my room. I slump down into my seat beside mum and turn it so I'm facing her.

"Hey, mom. I don't know if you're paying attention, or if you can hear me. I don't really care, because I really need someone to say this to," I pause, looking for even the tiniest reaction. When I see none, I chuckle sadly.

"I love Louis. Yeah, that sounds really weird, doesn't it? Remember when I came home covered in paint earlier this year? That was him. He also threw away my homework, tripped me as many times as possible on the team, and made fun of me relentlessly.

"I think that maybe my love for him is important because it's against all odds. Somehow, the dice rolled into place this way, kind of like a Yahtzee. At the beginning of the year, I would gag if I heard myself saying this. I love Louis Tomlinson. Maybe it's the strange evolution from fist fights to fighting for the right side of the bed," I laugh.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now