Chapter 36

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!!! Mentions of Homophobia, use of F-Slur !!!




Harry POV

I smile at Louis as we slump into the hotel room. He tugs on my hand excitedly, pulling me towards the bed. I sit down on the bed, watching him undress himself. He folds his uniform, setting it down on the floor. 

He slides on a pair of gray sweatpants that hang low on his waist. I smirk at him, raising my eyebrows. He smiles, climbing onto my lap, straddling my hips. He kisses my neck, nibbling small love bites onto it. 

"We're back bitches!" Niall announces as he dashes into the room. I roll my eyes at him; he walks in with his hand over his eyes, stumbling around. Louis looks annoyed at them, scowling at Liam and Zayn in disappointment.

"Can you leave?" He asks, and I actually let out a laugh. He hugs me tightly, almost like a koala. I push him off of me slightly. He rolls onto the bed with a grunt, staring out towards the ceiling.

"I'm turning on music," I announce, walking over to where my phone sits. I pick it up, flicking to Spotify. I press search and pause, my hand hovering over the screen, thinking of a song to play. I settle on Home, which sometimes reminds me of Louis. I sit down next to him, swaying around a little bit.

"We laugh until we think we'll die, barefoot on a summer night, nothing is sweeter than with you," I sing to him. He smiles at me, leaning up to kiss my lips. I kiss him sweetly, only pulling away when the song is over. I press on Don't Stop Me Now by Queen. Louis' face lights up, and he stands up with me.

We sing and dance until night has fallen upon us.


"Shoot the ball, Louis," I mutter under my breath, chewing my gum in anticipation.  I watch Louis dash across the field. He brings his leg back, swinging it forward and hitting the ball. The football flies across the field, swishing into the net. I smile, clapping my hands loudly. Louis turns towards me, throwing his middle finger up. 

I frown until I realize that he is showing me his ring. I smile, holding my middle finger up as well. The ring glistens in the sunlight, illuminating it perfectly so that Louis can see. He smiles at me, blowing me a kiss before striding towards the center of the field. 

I look at the scoreboard, we are winning by a lot right now; three to one. Coach moves up beside me, his arms crossed as he looks out on the field. 

"You better be taking care of that boy," He warns, eyebrows furrowing together. The ball is passed to the other side, one of the players of the opposite team dashing down the field. They shoot, and luckily, Liam deflects the shot.

"I- I think I am," I respond, "But I don't know, he's kind of complicated at times." I shrug my shoulders, staring at Louis who waits for the play to come to his side of the field. 

"Don't break his heart, kid. He's never been vulnerable enough to someone to even consider it happening," Coach adds, walking away from me. I sigh, stepping backwards and falling onto the bench beside Marco.

"Hey Harold!" Marco says excitedly. 

"Hey Marco," I reply, trying my best to match his excitement. 

"You know, I saw you and Louis wearing those rings, what are they for?"

"They're promise rings," I explain, "So we pretty much promised that when we're ready we'll get married."

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