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Love still brewed through the atmosphere when they looked at each other, and the butterflies seemed to never tire, wings flapping harder and harder every time that they soar. With every touch, every glance shared, every longing and fond stare, with every kiss, every hug, every time the sparks trailed around and around and rather than shimmering down, turned into a burning flame.

And all was good.

Harry wore the engagement band around his finger, and Louis and Harry both wore their promise rings, and, with the rare occasion that they were to take them off, they were placed very carefully, and were picked up so quickly so that they could be quickly slid back on.

Louis was sitting down on a bench, the one that sat by the football field. The football field that was in a huge stadium. He had only managed to play professionally for two years, but he then managed to become a trainer for the national teams; because of his work ethic and how he just knew the game. Harry had landed a job as a family psychologist, and he was so good at it because of his past experiences. (Louis also thinks it's because he's so kind and intelligent, and his voice gets really quiet and soft when he speaks to someone who needs help.(Louis also knows that Harry only talks in an even softer voice around him))

He is thinking really, really hard, about everything really. He just needed some time for quiet, some time to just take a break, take a rest and think.

He bites his lip as he nods his head up and down at a thought that he had just had. Yes, yes, yes. That's exactly what he will say.


Harry is not yet home when Louis arrives, still working long hours at his work. Louis sighs as he pushes the door to their house open to a dark hallway. He slides off his shoes, setting his keys on the small table that sits beside the door, also topped with some flower plant that Harry had decided he wanted. Louis does not really understand why, but it's fine, he can't decorate for shit, he would much rather have Harry's weird plant than anything else he could do.

He flips on the light switch, dashing up the stairs to the room that the two share. He walks over to the closet, wandering over to Harry's side. He gently pulls out a dark green crewneck sweatshirt, slipping off his pants and shirt to pull it over his head. He looks down, the crew neck practically looks like a dress on him, so he just decides to leave on his boxers. He turns around, to where the bed is neatly made, his eyes filled with a longing look. A longing to cuddle Harry on the bed. He sighs, walking over to the bed and seating himself on it, pulling out his phone to text Harry.

L: are you on your way home yet??? xx

Louis sets his phone down, waiting for an answer back in anticipation. He bites his lip while he waits, his phone sitting face up on the bed in front of him, so when the screen flashes, he will not miss it. He smiles when he does see the name on the screen, the same one that Harry had put into his phone years before.


L: ???

L: you okay?

THE MOST HANDSOME MAN ON THE ENTIRE EARTH: yeah, talk about it when i get home


L: love you too

He sets his phone down, letting out a small breath of worry and anticipation. He lays down, letting his eyes flutter shut as he waits for Harry to get home.

He is awakened by a hand on his cheek, cupping it softly. Louis does not open his eyes immediately, letting Harry lean down to press a kiss to his lips before he stirs, puckering his lips out to kiss Harry more. It isn't open-mouthed at all, but it still makes the ever living butterflies in Louis' stomach awaken and fly all around his insides.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now