Chapter 21

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Louis POV

I giggle as Harry wraps his arms around me. I'm not really used to this kind of behavior for him, or anybody, after a blowjob. (Yes we were quiet) Harry runs his hands through my hair and buries his face into my chest. I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

"Are you staying the night, love?" I ask. Harry beams and nods his head. "Come here, then."

Harry nods his head and crawls up towards my face, attaching his lips to mine. I kiss him back, moving my lips slowly against his. Before things get a chance to get heated, a knock sounds at my door. Harry detaches himself from me and slides onto the chair by my desk. I hop out of my bed and open the door. My mother stands in front of me.

"Hi boys! Are you staying for dinner Harry?" She asks sweetly. Harry nods his head, not really speaking. "Okay, I'll leave you two to it then." She winks and her eyes wander over my crumpled bedsheets before she closes the door. Harry nods at me and swallows. 

"Are you really just going to stay there?" I sigh.


"For God's sake Harry!" I exclaim. Harry stares at me blankly for a few seconds. "You're not getting back in bed are you?"

"No," He replies quietly. I wonder what made him suddenly get so shy. I sigh and walk up to him, cupping his bruised jaw gently with my hand. I peck his lips.

"Do you want to go downstairs?" I ask. He nods and grabs my hand to help him stand up. I do kind of feel bad for being the cause of it; at the same time I don't. He tries to slip his hand out of mine, but I only grip it harder. I walk out of my room and guide him towards the bottom of the steps. I only remove his hand from mine when we get into the living room. Daisy and Phoebe's toys are scattered all over the floor. Mum is in a conversation with Fizzy and Lottie and the TV plays in the background. 

Harry stands awkwardly, obviously not knowing what to do. I grab his arm and guide him towards the couch, where I let him slump down beside me. 

"Hi Louis' boyfriend," Fizzy smirks, "And your name is?"

"Not my boyfriend," I say for what feels like the thousandth time. Fizzy rolls her eyes. 

"You know the walls aren't exactly thick," She comments. Harry and I look at each other and our eyes widen. Fizzy laughs, "I was just kidding! That just proved that you did something though!" She points at us before rolling around in laughter. 

"God, Louis. When we were in the house, really?" My mum groans.

"We didn't do anything!" Harry and I exclaim at the same time. Harry puts his hand over his mouth and flinches back.

"I- I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry," He whispers. There is fear evident in his eyes. I move from my side of the couch to the opposite side; where Harry is sitting and crane my neck up so I can whisper in his ear.

"It's okay. No one's going to hurt you here," I say as soothingly as possible. Harry relaxes slightly and grabs for my hand. I intertwine our fingers and grab a blanket to cover up our hands.

"What is your name, though?"

"M' Harry," He answers. Fizzy nods her head.

"Well, I'm going to get dinner onto the plates," Mum says, standing up from the couch. Lottie and Fizzy immediately get up to help her out. I can say I missed having this sort of family time. Every once in a while, Mum will get a small break from work. Daisy lifts her head towards Harry,

"I like your hair."

"I do too," Phoebe replies, turning towards Harry too.

"It's really pretty," Daisy adds and Harry blushes. He turns to me with a smirk on his face.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now