Chapter 25

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Harry POV

A few weeks later

"Oh no Niall!" The video replays and Louis rolls around in laughter beside me. I smile at Louis as he clutches his stomach tightly. Niall's face is pale as Louis presses replay again.

"Oh no Niall!" The woman says as Niall trips as he walks towards the camera, falling straight onto his face.

"This is the most embarrassing thing ever," Niall says, slapping his forehead, "I just wanted to be in the news so I went over to the camera!"

Liam smiles at Niall, shaking his head. He leans forward and pauses the video. We all end up staring at Louis, who is almost crying of laughter.

Zayn lifts himself up and grabs Louis, whispering something into his ear which makes him laugh harder. Zayn goes to Liam and whispers what I can assume is the same thing into his ear. Liam lets out a guffaw, and soon enough, he's on the ground beside Louis.

Niall walks up to them and starts kicking them lightly. Zayn and I watch in astonishment as Louis and Liam calm down.

"I'm never going to forget this," Louis tells Niall. He plops down on the couch right in between Zayn and Liam. The couple protests against it, but Louis just waves them off.

"Louis?" Niall asks, and Louis' head looks up towards him.


"We're undefeated!" He exclaims. Louis nods his head excitedly.

"Just three more games until the tournament!" Louis says, standing up from the couch and jumping up and down with Niall.

"We're gonna win it this year!" Niall says loudly. I smile at my friends and nod my head.

We have the day off school today, so we're spending it at Zayn's house. Louis smiles as he hops down onto the couch beside me, so close to me that he is almost on my lap. I play with my own fingers so I don't grab for Louis' hand. Louis turns on the TV and flicks to Netflix.

"What do you want to watch?" He asks us, looking up towards me. I shrug my shoulders. "I think it's Harry's turn to pick!" He announces. My friends begin to protest.


"No, don't let Harry pick!" Niall argues. I fake offense, placing my hand over my heart.

"Why?" I pout at Liam, Zayn, and Niall.

"Because we don't want to watch The Notebook or some other stupid rom-com!" Niall exclaims, and Zayn and Liam nod their heads in the background.

"What's wrong with that?" I ask, skimming my finger over my white painted nails. Niall sighs.

"Mate, there's nothing wrong with it, we just don't like that kind of stuff," Liam says quietly. Louis rolls his eyes and turns to me.

"What do you want to watch babe?" He asks me quietly. I shrug my shoulders, and he places his hand on my thigh, handing me the remote. I smile at him softly as he places the remote into my hand. I flick through Netflix until I find a film that looks interesting.

It's about these two boys who are Matched, which means that they were placed together by the government because they are soulmates. The problem is, one of them wants to be in the relationship, but the other one doesn't.

Zayn shuts off the lights as he hands popcorn to Louis and I. As the movie starts, Louis moves his hand from my thigh to grab a blanket. His finger brushes against the back of my hand. His pointer finger tugs as my thumb, pulling it towards his hand. He slowly moves his hand, brushing it against my hand as he moves it. He gently flips my hand up and intertwines our fingers.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now