Chapter 27

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sorry in advance... its not that bad but it still hurt me..... wHO AM I KIDDING IT ACTUALLY KINDA BAD

Warning: Mention of Abuse




Louis POV

I smile widely as Liam jumps up into my arms. I spin him around as the team cheers loudly. When Liam jumps down, I let myself melt into the crowd's cheers. My eyes search the crowd for Zayn, who runs towards me. 

"Undefeated, mate!" He says excitedly, kissing Liam quickly before holding his hand up for a high-five.

"Yep, two more games until the tournament!" I say excitedly. Zayn and Liam smile. Someone taps my shoulder and I spin around. Lottie stands behind me with a smile on her face.

"Go get cleaned up, we're going out for dinner," She instructs, her eyes flicking up to Zayn and Liam, "You can bring your friends if you want," She adds, her eyes wandering to someone behind me. She smirks, "Your boyfriend is welcome, too."

"Don't worry about buying food then, he'll bring his best friend who loves to eat. He can pay."

"You didn't deny the fact that Styles was your boyfriend."

"You didn't... " I pause, "Just leave, you bitch." She rolls her eyes, turning around and pushing her way through the crowd. Liam and Zayn have already left to go to the locker room, but someone else stands right in front of me.

"Hello, Louis," Max says quietly. "I was just going to ask if you were free tomorrow night?" I frown as I turn towards him. We walk away from the thinning crowd while the frown is still on my face.


"I just-"

"Don't you like Ben?"

"Yes, but..."

"But what? Mate, you can't just come running to someone else as soon as things don't go smoothly."

"Louis, when your boyfriend cheated on you in freshman year-"

"He wasn't my boyfriend," I mumble. He rolls his eyes.

"Anyway, you went and fucked his brother. Multiple times."

"He shouldn't have cheated on me," I say, "Even though we weren't official."

"You would still be mad if Harry hooked up with someone else, though. Wouldn't you?"

"Would you just mind your own fucking problems before you talk about mine?" I growl, pushing his back up against the wall. He shakes his head before walking forward and pushing me backwards too.

"I think that you fucking love him. You're just too afraid to admit it. I think that you need to get your head out of your ass and stop being a jerk to him."

"Oh, wow. I didn't realize you were an expert on my life. Do you mind if I take notes?"

"You're such a dick, Louis."

"Listen, I understand that you want dick. That's fine, but please, just go ask Ben for it. Not me."

"If Harry doesn't mean anything to you, then why don't you fuck me."

"Because you love Ben, you idiot!" I yell. "And I'm not going to fucking do that. It doesn't matter what Harry is to me, I'm not going to fucking do it."

"I don't believe that you don't feel something for him."

"Oh, so what do you want me to say? Just announce to the world that I am in love with him. Oh, Harry, oh Harry, how beautiful you are," I sass, "Oh darling beautiful Harry, how gorgeous you look today. Oh Harry, Oh Harry how much I love you," I continue, ignoring Max's signals to stop, "Is that what you want me to fucking do? It's not fucking true!" I yell. Max is looking behind me, so I spin around. 

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now