Chapter 9

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Louis POV

"Come on, Liam, if you keep letting him fuck you, you won't be able to play football!" I say as Liam limps out of the locker room behind me. Zayn has been carrying him around for a week, and its getting quite annoying. The locker room door and Zayn walks out of out of it, his arms crossed and a smirk on his face as he watches Liam limp.

"God, how many rounds did you two do in there?" I question as I kick the ball into the net. Liam rolls his eyes as he limps to the net. Liam is the goal keeper, and I am highly doubting his skill level due to the shape his in in. 

Sure enough, I kick the ball towards the corner, and when Liam dives, he grunts and grabs his side. Zayn snickers and I send a glare in his direction. I stomp up to Zayn.

"Zayn! That is our fucking goalkeeper! We need him this season, so, if you wouldn't mind, could you please stop fucking him ten times each night?" I yell at him and he holds his hands up. Liam has got to his feet and is limping over. Zayn scoops him up bridal style, smiling at my glare and runs away with Liam in his arms.

I scoff and turn on my heel, grabbing the football out of the net and walking to the locker room. I place it in a large cage-like basket that is filled with a bunch of footballs. I pull off my cleats and rip off my shin guards. I do the password for my combination lock and pull my running shoes out of my locker. Since I have no one to play football with, I may as well just do my daily run. I slip on my shoes before going out to the track.

Once I'm there, I run ten laps before taking a break to do two hundred-meter sprints. It may seem like a lot, but I'm going to need to be in shape for football season. My legs are start to get tired, so I decide that I should go home. I walk my way to the locker room and shower and change into a new pair of clothes.

I shuffle around my bag, looking for my car keys. I frown when I don't find them in any of the pockets. I throw open my locker and rummage through it, looking for my keys. I sigh when they aren't in there either. Zayn or Liam must've taken them to annoy me.

I pull out my phone and scroll to Zayn's number. When I get to it, I press on call and bring my phone up to my ear.

"What is it Loueh?" 

"Where did you put my car keys?"

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean, why did you steal my car keys, and where did you put them?"

"Listen man, I have no idea where you got that idea, but I'm kinda on a date with Liam at the minute."

"So you didn't take them?"

"Correct," He replies and the call gets cut off before I can say goodbye to him. I scoff and put my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants. I guess I'll just walk home then. I sling my bag over my shoulder and push open the door. I jump when I see Harry leaning against the brick wall.

With my keys. Twirling between his fingers. I narrow my eyes at him and he smirks at me. I strut up to him, and he keeps his lazy stare on me. I shiver under the intense stare.

"Missing something, Lewis?" He asks as I reach for my keys. Just as I am about to grab them, he pulls them out of my reach. I glare and say between clenched teeth,

"Give me my keys, Harold."

"No, I don't think I will."

"Give me my damn keys."

"Hmmm, let me think. We could make a deal?"

"No. You stole them from me. Give them back."

"You're gonna have to come grab them." He says, holding the keys higher in the air. Out of my reach. I glare at him as he continues to stare at me with a smirk on his face. After jumping up and down for a minute, an idea forms in my head. I back up a step from him and grab his chin, tilting his head won towards me. I place a chaste kiss to his lips and pull away. He frowns and pecks me again.

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