Chapter 4

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So apparently GLORIA GAYNOR, the singer of I Will Survive, is a dark Larry? 

Vote and Comment Luvs!

Niall POV

I got in the car with Zayn, Liam, and Louis. Liam is driving. I am in the passenger seat. Zayn is sitting in the backseat rubbing his hand up and down Louis' arm soothingly. I hear Louis and his small whispers, but don't wan to be eavesdropping so block out what he is saying.

Eventually, Louis' whispering voice cracks and he chokes back a tear. I feel so mad at Harry right now, so I just left him there. I can be friends with whoever I want. And right now I don't want to be friends with him. I look back at him, and he is curled up into Zayn's arms. Zayn is whispering soothingly into his ear.

I can't believe Harry said all of those bad things about Louis and his friends. Sure, he does hate Louis, but to insult him and his friends right in front of his friends. Liam keeps his eyes on the road, but still seems worried. 

"Are we going to your house, Zayn?"

"Yeah, my parents shouldn't be there. They're hardly ever there, for that matter." Liam nods his head and turns down another street. The houses get bigger and bigger as we go farther down the street. Soon, the houses become further apart and Liam slows the car down, turning into the long driveway. 

There are two garages, one big one, and another smaller one, and Liam pulls towards the garage that is smaller. As soon as the garage opens, the neat and tidy vibe of the home disappears. Graffiti lines the walls, and the wall opposite of the wall is covered in shelves. On the shelves are paint cans. My jaw drops as I look toward the canvases and walls. 

"Zayn, this is so cool!" I screech. I turn back to see his cheeks slightly covered in a blush. I turn to my right and see a open door which leads to a room that seems to have a bunch of old-fashioned arcade games like Pac-man. I jump up and down excitedly.

"Yes, Ireland, we can play those arcade games," Liam answers the question I was about to ask. I squeal, and everyone in the car laughs but Louis, but he still smiles slightly. When Louis' car is parked in the garage, we all get out of the car. 

A red sports car sits beside Louis' car, which I assume is Zayn's. Zayn walks over to the mini arcade room and opens the door. Inside, there is a dark red L-shaped couch. He sets Louis down on the couch and Louis immediately curls into himself. Zayn leaves and walks out of the room. When he comes back, he had a wet washcloth in his hands. Louis uncurls from himself and sits up, letting Zayn take care of his black eye and swollen lip.

"Come over here, Ireland!" Liam calls. He is standing by an arcade game. I immediately run up to him. He explains how the game works, and I start to play it. According to Zayn, who came over after attending to Louis, I am pretty good at the game. 

A little later,(well actually more like an hour later) we all decide to take a break from the games. Even Louis joined our game playing after a while. He had begun to be more friendly to me, which I was thankful for.

We gather up on the couch, Zayn and Liam cuddled up together, and Louis and I spread across the rest of the couch. I feel so welcome and wanted, not left out at all. Louis suggests that we play FIFA and me and the rest of the boys agree.

"I have to warn you, I'm pretty competitive," I say with my hands up.

"Don't even worry 'bout it Ireland, Zayn here is as well," Louis says patting Zayn's back, and surprising me with the nickname. He sits himself back on the couch and passes me a charger. Soon, we are playing, and the game's pretty competitive.

Zayn yells out whenever something unfair happens, making Liam scrunch his nose, since Zayn is right beside his ears. Louis is pretty good at this game, but I am too. Not to brag or anything.  However, the game is very close, and is tied with five minutes left. 

Just as the game was about to end as a tie, my controller stopped working. I pound it against my knee throwing out a few 'Fuck you's and 'Come one and fucking work's. While Liam and Zayn are cackling, Louis' player runs right up to my net and... scores.

"No!" I exclaim as I jump up on the couch. I jump around and Louis laughs sing-songing 'I won.' 

"That's cheating!"

"Nope, I won. The controller must just not like you."

"NO! You hacked the game! You hacked my controller!" I scream as I jump around the room. Louis laughs as he runs up to me and grabs the bow from my head. I screech and exaggeratingly put my hand over my heart,

"How dare you?"

"Sorry, Irish Princess."

"It was obvious cheating!" I screech. Louis puts his fingers on his chin, as if he is deep in thought.


"You're a cheater! This game is fraud! I shall never play this game here, never!"

"I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong." I gasp, and pretend to faint. Louis holds out his hands and pulls me up. I cross my arms after he has pulled me up and stick my tongue out at him.

The other boys, Zayn, Liam, and Louis, take turns going against each other since I still refuse to play. Soon, it is almost 5 o'clock, but I have had one of the best days in a while. I had texted my mom earlier saying that I was at a friend's house. 

"We should go get pizza!" Liam exclaims.

"Ohhh, yay!" I yell right back at him. Zayn and Louis shrug their shoulders and nod their heads, so we all slip on our shoes and walk to Louis' car. Louis gets in the driver seat, I get in the passenger seat, and Zayn and Liam get cuddled up in the backseat. I smile to myself at their cuteness.

We are going to the Pizza place that Zayn works at, mainly because he will et an employee discount, even though, after seeing his house and car, I'm sure he doesn't need it.

"So, Zayn, why do you have a job?"

"Oh, my parents say that even though I will inherit their fortune I need to have a good work ethic." I nod my head. Louis drives to the pizza place and smiles as I cheer, excitedly. God, I love food so damn much.

We walk into the pizza shop and a few of the other employees greet Zayn before getting back to their work. The place is covered in booths. One of the walls has bunch of license plates on it, but the rest of the walls are painted deep red with a white trim. Zayn grabs onto Liam's hand and guides him through a small crowd of people that are leaving. He stops once he reaches the bar-style place where you can order pizza.

I go first, ordering one medium pepperoni pizza, and then five breadsticks, a salad, garlic knots, chicken wings, a small pie, and two large fountain drinks I turn around, smiling, to see Louis, Liam, and Zayn gaping at me. I simply smile and walk past them to find a table. I pull out my phone to text my mom that I won't be home for dinner, I'm eating with friends. I scroll through Instagram, liking a few posts until I am interrupted by a deep, soothing voice,


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