Chapter 23

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TW: use of alcohol 

Harry POV

I slump down on the desk, tapping my pencil against the desk. I look towards Louis and my breath catches. I really shouldn't feel this for him. I keep staring at him, waiting for him to look at  me. He never does, and when he does lift his gaze from his book, he looks towards a random girl in the class and sends her a wink. 

I turn my head towards the girl he is looking at. She twirls a strand of her long black hair in between her finger. Biting down on her lip as seductively as possible, she looks up at Louis through her long lashes. I roll my eyes and turn back towards the board.

The teacher explains something about the periodic table, pointing all around the board and drawing with the dry erase marker. I sigh and look down to my notebook. I pick up my pencil and start taking notes.

A week ago, I admitted my feelings for Louis; but only to myself. There's no way I'm telling Louis, he doesn't feel the same and I don't want to embarrass myself. The feeling isn't mutual, and that's all.

The bell rings, its sound echoing through the halls. I grab my science notebook and binder and get up, meeting Niall beside the classroom. I received a beating from Mike last night, so he is being really protective of me today. He pulls me into a hug as soon as I get out of the classroom, winding his arm around my waist. Louis walks out of the classroom at the same time, and his jaw clenches. He looks Niall up and down with a cold look in his eyes.

Niall swallows, slowly pulling his arm back from where it was around my waist. Louis raises his eyebrows at him and Niall takes a step back. Louis glances towards me, and I open my mouth to say something. The words get caught in my throat as I look at Louis, and I end up staring at him with an open mouth.

"Careful there, Styles. You wouldn't want to swallow a fly," He warns. I shut my mouth and keep the eye contact with him. He looks at Niall and steps closer. The halls are nearly empty now, but I have a free period now, so I don't need to get to class. Niall nudges my shoulder, and starts walking away towards his next class, leaving me alone with Louis.

Louis grabs onto my arm and I wince. He frowns and spins me back towards him. My chest flushes up against his and he leans in to kiss me. I try to suppress a smile as my lips get closer to his. Just as our lips brush, he pulls away abruptly and pulls up my sleeve. His eyes widen at the mark that is on my arm. I wince as he brushes his fingers across it.

"When?" He whispers to me. I glance up at him, and he looks at me with big eyes.

"Yesterday night," I breathe out. He nods his head at me before walking away. I watch him walk away and I hastily tear my sleeve back down. I shake my head, I shouldn't have expected any comfort from him. 

I walk outside, walking across the sidewalk and towards the field. I slump down on the grass, picking on the grass as I spread out my legs in front of me.

"You doing okay?" A boy asks. I turn around to see the boy with blonde curls, Ben. He smiles at me and sits down on the grass beside me.

"Not really," I sigh. He nods his head.

"I'm not down my well either. I was forced into this relationship and I just..." He trails off and looks towards me. "Kendall blackmailed me, sort of. She only wants me for sex."

"Why- why did you agree?" I ask, frowning. He looks around to make sure no one is around before looking back at me.

"She knows that Louis and Max are gay," he explains, "She threatened to out them."

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now