Chapter 12

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Ayo Bitches

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Louis POV

I wake up early on Monday morning to get in a jog. The temperature is mild, perfect for playing football. I shake my hands nervously. I know that I shouldn't be nervous, it isn't my first year on the team. I pull out my phone when I hear a vibrate.

Ireland: Heyyy Tommo, I'm gonna take H to school today, no need to pick us up

I send him a message to let him know that I understood and slipped my phone into the back pocket of my jeans. I slide on a black band tee and a pair of Vans, adjusting my hair in the mirror. I push my fringe to the side slightly before heading to the bathroom.

I slide off my glasses and put in my contacts. I brush my teeth and wash my face, checking my hair one more time before making my way down the stairs. Lottie sits at the table already, munching on cereal. 

"Why are you up so early?" I ask, moving to the kitchen to grab a banana and a glass of water.

"A friend is picking me up for school."

"Yeah, who is this friend?" I ask, leaning against the counter as Lottie looks up at me. She mumbles something under her breath.

"Sorry, didn't quite catch that," I say. Lottie jumps out of her seat and looks towards the driveway. Her eyes widen as she puts on lip gloss and swings her backpack over her shoulder. She adjusts her hair and flips me off behind her back before opening the door and getting in the car that sits in the driveway. I bark out a laugh, throwing my banana peel in the garbage before heading out to pick up Zayn and Liam.


I strut into the school building with Zayn and Liam on my tail, ignoring the flirtatious looks sent from the girls. I don't care about them. I grin when I catch sight of a particular curly-headed boy, though.

"Oi, Styles!"


"Ready for me to beat your ass in tryouts today?"

"In your dreams, princess," Harry replies, turning away from me. I walk to my locker, but can't help but look at Harry from where he stands. A girl with black hair (Kathy? Karen? Kim? Wait no, Kendall, I think?) has a hand placed on his bicep as they each give each other affectionate looks. I feel my jaw clench, and luckily, neither Liam nor Zayn makes any comments about it as they continue on with their conversation.

The girl is soon pushed against the locker, as Harry practically eats her face. I can feel my heart drop. It feels as if the moon was being held up by the string, but the string was cut. I can almost feel my heart dancing in my stomach. I continue to stare until Liam nudges my arm.

"Pretty disgusting, isn't it?"

"Ugh, I can't take him. He's fucking annoying, son of a bitch," I mumble, forcing a fake laugh. A few seconds later Eleanor comes over. I look up to see Harry staring at me with a deep gaze. I merely shake my head at him, and turn to a random girl that is swarming me. 

I quickly place my lips to hers in a quick kiss. She giggles obnoxiously and presses her lips towards mine again, full out snogging me this time. I am soon able to shake her off, wiping my mouth before looking up at Harry, who stares at me with wide eyes. I wink at him before stepping into my first class.

Karma's a bitch.


Apparently, the girl thinks that I have loved her forever, and only now am I admitting it. She insists that the love has to be real because out of all the girls, I chose to kiss her. She has already confessed her undying love for me. I told her to fuck off. 

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now