Chapter 10

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Hey guys.... just letting you know that I like reading comments


Anyways, do any of you have any fic recommendations? I can start with my favorites which are; Chasing the Sun, Under the cover, Unbelievers, Co-captains, Thin Walls, Ankles and Awkwardness, and Young and Beautiful. (You can also look at my reading list but I haven't read some of them and some of them are unfinished)

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Louis POV

One week ago, I felt completely heartbroken because of a boy I hate. Since then, I have gained back my hate of him, and it is there now more than before. I have been practicing for football, Liam and some other team members joining sometimes.

I've mostly dropped my friendship with Niall, mainly because he is a direct connection to Harry. I can say that I miss him and his endless talking. Luckily, Zayn stopped fucking Liam every night so Liam can practice for football.

Ignoring Harry would be easier, but having to maintain the hating and bickering relationship with him is harder. I have to remember that the whole school still thinks that we hate each other. In other words, I can't exactly just give him a silent treatment since the whole school is used to our constant bickering.

I sit through eighth period with my head on my hands, watching the clock slowly tick by. Liam, Zayn, and I are hanging out tonight, and I'm actually kind of excited, since usually they prefer to 'hang out' by themselves, which really means exchanging a few blowjobs.

The teacher, Mr. Peters, is lecturing us about how we need to 'open our eyes' and 'see the world as a dictionary.' Zayn sits across the room, asleep, while Liam stays wide awake, writing down notes as fast as humanly possible. Or maybe faster.

I glance towards the rest of the class, my gaze lingering on a certain curly headed boy. His hair is tucked behind a bandana, and I think it looks a little silly. (No I don't)

His eyes slowly dart towards mine and he smirks. I give him a glare before turning back to the clock, trying to ignore the twist in my stomach and the feel of someone looking at me. 

Not soon enough, the bell rings, and I immediately hop out of my seat, hoping to avoid Harry. I almost reach the door when I hear my name being called out.

"Mr. Tomlinson?" Mr. Peters gestures towards me, and I inwardly roll my eyes, "I need to speak to you about something."

"What is it?"

"You need to pay more attention in class. I really don't understand hw you don't find the art of letters and symbols purely fascinating!"

"Mr. Peters, I'm sorry, but, to me, that's not that interesting. Now, if you would excuse me, I have a few friends waiting for me," I reply, trying my best to be polite. 

I tighten my grip on my binder and am surprised to see that the halls have cleared out. I crane my neck, looking for Zayn and Liam, until I feel a tug on my arm and I'm pulled into a closet.

"What the fuck! Who is this? I warn you, I'm a trained blackbelt, having watched Karate Kid over 10 times and I killed a spider for my little sister once!"

"Would you shut the fuck up?" a deep voice drawled and I groaned.

"What do you want?"

"This," Harry replies as he leans in towards my neck, brushing his lips up and down my jawline and down my neck towards my collarbone. I let out a small moan and he squeezes my bum. My hand goes up to grasp his neck. He suddenly starts to nibble on my neck, sucking in love bites up and down it.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now